#9: One hell of an author, you are

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An inspiration by my best friend on and off wattpad, @Lucia_Kleyani.

There was a time in this specific year when I was on the verge of breaking down. My grades and studies during first year of university were decreasing in a way I've never experienced before (and I was a straight A student since kindergarten believe me), I was going through a massive heartbreak after the guy, who got me on cloud nine for more than 2 months, gave me the biggest death shot in the heart, leaving me a walking dead body with no soul for more than six months. And to top all of that shit, my wattpad life was going down the drains: I've lost all of my dedicated readers after not updating "My SoulHate" for more than 3 months (since I was too busy giving my whole time to the as*hole that I thought was the love of my life and not leaving any time for my writing), and even after getting back to updating this book of mine, I had zero feedback and no one even cared about whether I updated "My SoulHate" or not..

One night, I had made up my mind. I was going to delete my story and deactivate my wattpad account.


I didn't even tell anyone -not even my best friend- about it, just thought of sending a vert short message to all of my followers five minutes before deactivating the account.

And to my surprise, for the very first time, two people whom I never heard before (aren't even one of my ancient readers) replied so quickly to my message, comforting me.

Another long message was from my best friend @Lucia_Kleyani which had my eyes watering to the point where I broke into crying my eyes out.

I wanted to share it with you guys. Maybe somehow it will touch a spot of your heart the way it did with mine.

From: 18/05/2014

  " If you love what you're doing, keep doing it, and the hell with non-supporters. You are fuqing great at writing. Your book has more than ten thousand reads and over eight hundred votes. If some people are unfanning just because it's been a while since your last update, then I say it's a good riddance because those are not true supporters, neither are they real fans. Because real fans stick with you no matter what happens, and those are the ones you should look at and appreciate.

Stop looking at the empty half of the glass - there are people who love your work, appreciate it and value it. Don't stare after those who left, concentrate on those who have stayed and always will stick by your side.

If you are to give up everytime you fail, or everytime someone stops supporting you and your work, then you would do nothing in your life. I say stand back up, brush away the dust, give them the fuqin finger, and move on with the support of the people who love you and your work.

And remember: Opinions are not Facts, they don't tell you who you are.

Don't give up, don't delete your account nor your book, because you're a flipping great writer. If you're not okay with what you've written, edit and re-edit it till it becomes perfect. And even if your PC deleted the chapters you busted your butt off editing, think of it as an opportunity to make it even better and more amazing than whatever it has been before.

I love you, dollface. And I am certain I'm not the only one who feels the same to you and your work.

For you @_The_One_and_Only_"

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