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Chapter 8


Humanity as a whole was weak, they were the emus to the supernatural forces. Yet, Australia learned that emus were formidable.

Certain humans had stood out from the billions of humans to have ever exist, the masses called them heroes, supernatural beings simply called them strong humans. There were only a very few instances where the supernatural world called humans as equals.

Yet, as humans had forgone their ways of old and forged one that of luxury, humanity hadn't had anyone to call heroes in a long time. As such, humanity was reduced to mere cockroaches for most of the supernatural world.

Even the exorcists of the Biblical churches were just a mere extension of Heaven's failing power.

Yet, humanity had the potential to defeat the supernatural, or so Cao Cao says.

The development of the atomic bomb, a weapon that could rival that of a high-class devil's power, was evidence that Cao Cao had presented. Humanity could defeat the "evil forces" with not just magical power but with ingenuity.

The whole human domination did make him feel uneasy but... What he said is the truth, humanity has been pushed around too much. Massacres, mass rape, and general atrocious acts, they need to stop.

Ichigo knew full well that those things will never stop even without supernatural forces existing after all humans will be humans. But he had faith in humanity's courts of justice to deal with simple humans and, from what Medeia told him, the various magical organizations.

Yet... He had thought and still believed to a degree, that hollows were inherently evil. They consumed innocent souls and craved for power.

Yet, he found good hollows. Sure, they had consumed a lot of souls while they were mindless hollows but they were still good people.

'At least we don't rape innocents.'

Ichigo's eyes widened for a bit before it settled. 'What do you want?'

Ichigo was in the gravityless room, his eyes closed as he tried to see if he may control his power.

'Your trust.'

'Trust is earned and lost. You lost mine.'

There was a brief silence before Zangetsu replied, 'You sound like the old man...'

Ichigo's eyes widened before he clenched his fist.

Zangetsu went silent as if that was all he wanted to say. "You sound sober, Zangetsu..." Ichigo spoke softly.

Day 5

"You have tried to internalize your energy right?"


Georg crossed out a list he had compiled on ways for Ichigo to control his energy before looking back to him. "You have tried to soothe your powers as well..." Another one crossed out. "The only conceivable way I can think of is asking the 'spirits', or the manifestations of your power..."

Ichigo frowned in disgust, his eyes scrunching up a bit.

Georg, seeing the blatant displeasure with the request, merely sighed and put away his notebook. "Look, I'll admit I do not know what you are experiencing right now, loss and betrayal is something I did not experience when I had left the mage association... But, you must overcome the obstacle in order to reach your dreams..."

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