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The Big Rush to Peanut Harry

My bike was going faster than it has ever gone. I was on my path to my secret place. Leaves crunched under my wheels. Sweat ran down my face. So many things ran through my mind, Peanut Harry(my dog I keep a secret from my family), Helen(my best friend 2 years younger then me), Helen's house, getting to Helen's house in time(I go to her house every day), mom, dad, the farm(I live on a farm with my family), so many things going through my mind. I heard the birds chirping. It is really early in the morning. The sky is covered in fluffy white clouds with grey. I hope it does not rain. If I want to feed Peanut Harry(I didn't feed him last night), sit with him of a bit and get to Helen's house in time, I can't stop. I see chipmunks running around. I love the woods but I can't stop to get a good look around. It's cold out but I have been riding my bike so long it does not bother me. Most of the time it does not take me so long to get to my secret place, That is a little old house no one uses anymore. I remember the first time I found Peanut Harry. He was on a tree stump. I didn't know what to do at first. I got on my knees. I reached out to pet him. He jumped into my arms. I carried him to my secret house. I sat on a blanket on the floor. I put the little pup on the blanket next to me. We both fell asleep. The next day Helen came to the secret house in the middle of the woods. We both named him Peanut Harry. I came up with the name Peanut. Helen came up with the name Harry. So we named him Peanut Harry.

A/N - I don't think I even said what "Peanut Harry" (wtf kind of name is that 😂) was. I think he was supposed to be a dog. I wrote this so long ago and I'm sorry 😂

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2019 ⏰

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