chapter one

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My day started like every other school day, I woke up at 5:37 and had a quick shower. Then got dressed and woke up my little brother and finished getting ready. We got to the bus stop at 7:10 my brother started to talk with some kids at the bus stop so I pulled out my phone a started texting Stephanie



I'm boorreedd!!

Stephanie ❤❤:
That's a you problem hoe

I though you loved me!😭

Stephanie ❤❤:
I do but I have to get ready not all of us need to leave the house at 7:00😂luv you❤gtg

Luv you 2 hooee


In the real world)
The bus got there as I dead bye to Stephanie I lock my phone and hop on the bus. Once I find a empty seat I sit down and put my earbuds in and start my Shawn/WDW playlist. And stare out the window. After 45 minutes out of the hour long bus ride I deside to take a picture of my surroundings

 After 45 minutes out of the hour long bus ride I deside to take a picture of my surroundings

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This is the picture ^^

(Time skip to the first class of the day)

Teacher: okay so you guys can continue on your projects from yesterday

After the teacher finished talking you go up to her and ask if you and Stephanie can work in the hall she agrees and the two of you go out of the class and start to work on your projects

Part way through the class you get a text from a unknown number

Unknown: hey Jonah I got my new phone since you dropped my last one off A DaM ROoF!

Hey sorry to hear about your phone who ever Jonah is should be more carful
(Also how did this Jonah drop your phone off the DaM ROoF)

okay Jonah you can stop the act now I know its you

Me: no this is not Jonah

Okay so if you aren't Jonah then who are you

I'm the o so powerful queen of the potatoes!


You got the wrong number bro😂

Okay sorry if that made no sense okay bye

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2019 ⏰

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Wrong Number Bro // Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now