Chapter One: A Scarlet Sunrise

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock's screaming echoing throughout my bedroom, I wacked it to get it to silence. I groaned knowing that it meant it was time for me to get up and get ready for classes that I really did not want to take, especially this early in the morning. I slowly opened my eyes and scanned my surroundings, but it was the same as it always was, it was a plain bedroom with white walls and white hard wood floors. My furniture was also the same as it always was my bed still had its white bedding, my desk and its chair were still painted a glossy white, my closet doors were the same white as the walls, and my body length mirror's stand was the same white its always been. The only thing different about my room this morning compared to other mornings was the pink hue that danced around my room. I shivered at the cold air as I left the safety of my warm blankets and shuffled over to my window and pulled back the sheer white curtain, I squinted for a moment as my eyes tried to recover from the assault of light that I gave them. Once I could see again, I noticed my window had been open even though I thought I had closed it before going to bed last night. I looked outside my window and smiled as I saw the sun rise from behind a range of mountains, the sun was scarlet and the clouds that accompanied it were soft shades of lilac and orange and looking at the areas around my house everything was the same shader of pink that my room was and I smiled wider. I was startled as my alarm clock went off again, I ran over and shut it off realizing I must have hit the snooze button rather than turning it off.

I hummed as I walked over to my closet and opened it up, after pulling out a few items and trying them on I finally found something I wanted to wear. Even though it was fall almost winter I decided on wearing a white knee length flowy dress that went down a bit past my knee and paired them with my light brown and white sandals. Looking in my mirror at my outfit I sighed and thought about the fact that I only owned white things and barely any other colors as my parents wouldn't allow much else because it didn't fit their aesthetic. I brushed through my wavy golden hair that went down to my lower back and found myself looking at the bracelet I was wearing. It was one of the few things that I had that wasn't a white shade and instead it was a rose gold, the bracelet was simple in design and the only really noticeable part about it was the small lock that it had on it that kept me from taking it off. Despite many arguments with my parents about wanting them to take it off they refused and called me ungrateful, I had tried breaking it off and once even attempted to pick the small lock, but it would never work. I couldn't remember a time that I wasn't wearing it because even in pictures of me as a young child I was wearing it.

After dragging my attention away from the bracelet I looked at my face and decided that since my complexion was clear I'd just put on mascara and a light pink lip gloss that complemented my fair skin tone and light green eyes and with a curt nod to myself in the mirror I walked over to my closet and grabbed my light denim jacket and put it on while grabbing my white backpack from the floor of my closet. I walked to my desk and grabbed my phone that had been charging during the night and my watch, after putting my watch on the same wrist that my rose gold lock bracelet was on I walked out of my bedroom door and closed the door carefully behind me. As I walked towards the stairs my quiet footsteps echoed through the hallway and even as I went down the stairs my soft steps echoed through the house. After a quick scan of the downstairs area I saw that as usual my parents were gone but that downstairs was also the same soft shade of pink from the sunrise as my bedroom. Nothing stood out as unusual as the house was as empty feeling as it always had been. Its walls, floor and even furniture were all the same white colors as my bedroom. Not even the silence was unusual in this house as my parents didn't speak often to me or even each other. At almost any given point if you were to drop a pin, the sound would echo, and I had even put that to the test when I was younger. I walked towards the kitchen and dining area stopping to look at the glossy reflection of a white grand piano we had next to our staircase. I remember my parents saying that they got it the day they brought me home which was almost 18 years ago. I smiled at the thought of almost being 18 because once that happened, I could leave this silent cold house.

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