Chapter Eight: Catching up

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Oh. My. GOD! THANK YOU ALL FOR READING THIS SHIT!! it's means so much to me but I want to apologize for not updating!!! But in return, here's a 1555 long chapter for yah! ❤️❤️❤️

(N/N) = Nickname
(M/N) = Moms name
(D/N) = Dads name

As you stepped through the door of your apartment, feeling the cold untouched air blow past you and the familiar smell of your cat Spyro fill your nose and making tingle slightly, your lovable feline ran up to you. He meowed and rubbed his grey head on your shin.

Even though you had been gone for a few days, you had given your friend a key and told them to check on him and make sure his food and water hadn't run out.
"Hey buddy! Did you miss me?"
You let go of your suitcase and scooped Spyro up in one big swipe, nuzzling him and giving him kisses on his pink nose.
After a bit of unpacking, you sat in your computer chair to text Ezra.
Wondering if he'd be home yet, you turned on your computer and opened up discord.

Hey Ezzy

You opened with, waiting a bit for a response before growing bored and standing up from your swirly chair.
You grabbed your phone off your desk and flopped on your bed.
After a few minutes of browsing social media, you got a call from your mom.
You sat up and answered, putting the phone to your ear.


"(Y/N)! My baby! My baby's finally home!"
You cringed at the sudden noise, pulling the phone from your ear slightly before smiling.
"Mom, I was only gone for a few days. What's up?"
"I want you to come over this instant and tell me everything about your trip!"

Soon enough you were on your way to your parents house.
You had hated to leave Spyro so early after you had come back, that's why you filled up his food and water and played with him for a bit before you left.

Pulling up in the driveway, your phone had automatically connected to your mom and dad's wifi so you got a notification from your Discord.
You checked it while walking up their driveway. It was Ezra and he had responded to you.

Hey (Y/N) have a good flight?

You smiled, typing back as you waiting at your parent's door for a second.

My flight was good! One thing, my parents invited me over and wanted me to tell them about my trip.. Should I tell them about us? About what happened?

You knocked on the door and heard some chatter from inside.
Glancing down at your phone, you saw Ezra was typing.

You let out a shaky breath. You weren't sure if you wanted your parents to know about what you did with Ezra. Especially because they were a bit protective, telling them you kissed some guy you met on the first day would certainly get them mad.
They wouldn't listen if you told them you've known him for a long time because the past few days were the first time you've actually met him.
You've already told Ezra about your controlling parents, and were sure they would kill you if you told them he was a YouTuber, to top it off.

"Coming!" You heard from inside the house as you heard steps from inside as well.
You glanced down at your phone one last time before the door opened in front of you.
You were suddenly dragged into a tight hug by your mother. You laughed in reaction, wrapping your arms around her and taking a deep breath through your nose. The scent of her hair and clothes making your brain fill with nostalgia.

"You're going to have to tell me EVERYTHING about your trip!"
Your mom said, pulling away from the hug. You smiled, but then remembered what you were just silently panicking about.
Wanting to check your phone again for Ezra's response but figuring it would be rude, you peaked around your Mother and saw your Dad walking up to the doorway.
"Hey! Well if it isn't (Y/N)?"
He put a hand on you moms shoulder.
"What are you standing out here for? Come inside, (N/N)!"
Your parents stepped aside as you walked in, taking another deep breath and sighing.
"It's good to be home."
You turned around as your mom shut the door.
"Of course! Now, like I said, let's have dinner and you can tell us about your little trip!"

As the three of you ate dinner and conversed, the question was finally brought up. As much as you were trying to avoid it, there was no way to dodge or stall the question.
"So, didja meet any cute boys at your little VideoCon, (Y/N)?" Your mom asked sweetly as you choked on your mashed potatoes in response.
Your dad laughed as your mom looked confused.
"You okay, Bucko? How does someone choke on mashed potatoes? They're mashed potatoes!"
You dad said jokingly and shook his head.
You stood up, still coughing a bit.
"I-I'm going to go to the washroom."
You didn't let get a word in before you were gone and in the washroom.
"Jeez, (M/N) did you really have to bring up that question so soon?"
"What! I wanted to know if your beautiful angel is finally going to have some grand children!"
You heard your parents bickering while you stood in the washroom, looking at your phone.
You read the messages Ezra had sent to you.

I think you should try to tell them maybe when they meet me first. Let them see me by me and not 'someone (Y/N) kissed as soon as she finally met him'

You coughed a bit and agreed with Ezra, hoping that you could just act like everything was normal until Ezra could finally meet your parents.

Finally coming out of the bathroom and not actually going, the three of you continued having dinner. When the question was brought up again, you just brushed it off. Nothing big.
After a long afternoon of catching up and playing board games, it was finally time to go to bed.

"G'night mom, G'night dad." You said before closing their door and walking off to the guest room, kicking off you slipper o the way there.
You flopped on the bed, groaning and stretching before hearing a familiar discord notification coming from your phone.
You leaned over and grabbed it, reading the message that was sent by Ezra.

hey you up?

You sat up and responded.

Yeah why?

I need a favour

You furrowed your eyebrows slightly.

Sure whats up

You heard a car drive by the house and stop. That confused you because where your parents lived was kind of on a desolate road without any other houses within at least a 10 minute walk.
Maybe someone just made a mistake and wanted to turn back. By the time you finished thinking, you saw he had responded.

I want you to look out your window

Your heart jumped into your throat. There was no way he had—

You immediately jumped out of your bed and went to your window, peaking out of the blinds.

There he was. Standing outside his car, waving to you.
You let out a soft laugh of disbelief, and took a few steps back, tears filling your eyes.
You ran as quietly as you could to check on your parents, opening the door a crack to peak in.
You heard soft snoring and let out a quiet sigh of relief.
You ran back to your window and opened it, waving back.
You thought for a second, knowing leaving out the front door would be way too noisy because of the kind of old door your parents had. And of course you couldn't let them find out you were sneaking out the day you got back, and especially to Ezra.
You looked around your window, figuring if you could walk along the tiled roof-ish thing that was underneath your window.

You quickly put your shoes on and stepped out into it, testing it to make sure it could support you weight.
You barely even noticed that a few tiles had slid off when you took steps, your mind was hazy and you just wanted to be with Ezra.

You finally got to a spot where you could jump off, and you did.
As soon as your feet hit the soft wet grass, you sprinted to him and jumped in his arms.
"Ezra! What the fuck are you doing here?!"
You said in a harsh whisper.
He chuckled and wrapped his arms around your waist, placing a soft kiss on your cheek.
"Uh, I'm here to garden your parents tulips. Why do you think I'm here??"
You left out a giggle and pushed your face into the crook of his neck.
"How did you know where my parents live?" You said, pulling away from his neck.
"Oh, I asked a few of your friends. Not a big deal I hope."
You scoffed.
"Are you joking? I'm so happy you're here! I love you.. so much."
Before he could respond, you pushed your lips against his.
This was going to be an amazing night.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2019 ⏰

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