Chapter 16: Sweet Sweet Revenge

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Harry was grinning as he hovered in front of the kelp forest and Draco Malfoy-along with everyone else-was staring at him in confused concern. The sunlight slanting down from above spot lit the deep purple brain coil growing off to his left and made the scales on his tail glitter like chips of peridot. Surrounded by a small army of the raven's friends the blonde was plainly feeling nervous, especially considering that Crabe and Goyle had been unavailable to play goon squad for him that day. Ginny was leering pointedly, her golden fins on end and eyes sharp. Luna was just floating there, happily humming to herself with the typical distant smile on her face. Hermione was busy admonishing Ron for bringing food with him. Everyone else was staring at Harry as if expecting him to suddenly sprout fangs and attack them.

"Glad that all of you were able to make it here today. Especially you, Draco." The silver tailed Mer quailed slightly but refused to back down and covered his nerves with the usual sneer. "Because, since you pulled the ultimate Pufferfish on me at the drop off and I pity the eternal coward card that earned you I decided to be nice, despite the fact that you almost got me killed, and figured I'd give you a chance to redeem yourself. All you have to do," he gestured to the thick growing sea plant behind him, "is spend ten minutes in the middle of this kelp forest without screaming. Or running."

"Really, Potter? That's all I have to do?" he drawled. "Your idea of what amounts to being a Pufferfish is extremely skewed."

"Oh, don't worry," he purred, "I've arranged something for you that'll prove truly terrifying."

"And what would that be? A sea sponge?"

The giant grin didn't falter, despite the other Mer's pointed comment, much to the surprise of the rest of the group. "You'll see." He said. "Get going."


"If it's really as terrifying as I claim, then you're brave for enduring it. If it's not, then you're awarded a lifelong immunity to being referred to as a Pufferfish ever again all for doing nothing. I don't see any reason for you not to do this."

Apparently Draco didn't either, though he didn't seem at all happy about that fact. "Ten minutes?"

"Ten minutes."

"And all I have to do is go into the middle of the kelp forest?"

"All you have to do is go into the middle of the kelp forest."


"Alright." Neither of them moved. Harry raised an eyebrow. Draco eyed up the forest warily. "Well?"

"I...shut up, Potter! I'm going!"

And he was. With an affronted flick of his tail Draco begrudgingly disappeared into the forest.

"So," the twins said, swimming up behind him with identical grins on their faces, "what do you have in there waiting to meet with our dear dragon?"

"Who, not what." He told them, grin not slipping from his face. "My mate is waiting for him, and he's understandably upset that Draco's little stunt almost got me killed."

"He's not going to be hurt, is he Harry?" Hermione cut in, tone bordering on severe. "Regardless of whether or not he deserves it, surely you don't want to get yourself and your perspective in trouble."

"Unless he does something to himself he's not going to hurt him. Despite wanting to, he promised me that he wouldn't."

"The otter-faced Git would have it coming if he did." Ron grumbled. "No one would argue that, mate."

"True as that is, little brother," said George, "there's a much more important question to be asking here."

"And that would be whether or not Harry is finally going to tell us who his mysterious suitor is," said Fred as both twins fixed him in an expectant gaze. "Well, dear honorary brother?"

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