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"Oh Jesus am I glad to see you guys."

"You're a stupid bitch and if I wasn't so worried about you yesterday I wouldn't have let Oscar come get you." Jude says angrily before pulling him into a hug. "I'm glad you're safe."

"Guys, seriously? Stop being soppy assholes and get in the car."

"Hey! I'm allowed to be happy our boy is safe."

"We knew he would be," Jesse replies, poking his head out of the passenger seat window, "now get in the car."

They climb into the back seat, Jude pulling out his phone as he sits down.

"Kai, you smell of vodka." Oscar says, wrinkling his nose and grimacing as he starts driving back to their hotel.

"Oscar shut up."


"So," Jesse begins with a smirk, turning in his seat to face Kai, "spill."

Kai stays silent, looking down at his hands as if they were the most interesting thing in the world.

"Oh come on, you can't expect us not to want to know." Jude says, looking up from his phone

"I hate you guys."

"We hate you more dude you ain't special."

"Oscar, ain't isn't a word."

"I think you'll find it is."

"Guys, the topic, you're off it. Kai, spill."

"Ugh, fine, fuck you guys."


Sunlight streamed through the open curtains of room 305, rousing the other man from his sleep. He glanced at the alarm clock, which showed that it was 08:47 and he had long missed any chance of breakfast.

Vague, frangmented memories of the night before flashed across the forefront of his mind, but none were tangible enough for him to pinpoint what had actually happened; though as he stood, the state of his room gave him a vague idea. Clothes had been thrown haphazardly on the floor by the door and a red tie he was pretty sure wasn't his was draped over one of the lampshades.

He pulled on a pair of sweatpants from his suitcase before walking into the bathroom, rubbing his eyes to attempt to wake himself up. He turned the tap on and splashed some water in his face, drying it before turning to look in the mirror.

His jaw dropped.

Hickeys were scattered across his neck, collar bones and chest. Gold and silver glitter stuck to his cheeks and chin, a few specks on his lips.

"Holy shit."

He tried to rinse the glitter off his face, succeeding in getting some of it off before a knock rang through the room. He unhooked the latch, pulling the door open slightly to see a woman in the hotel uniform holding a piece of paper.

"Sorry sir, I was asked to bring this to you by the reception."

"Thank you very much," he replied, taking the paper from her outstretched hand.

"Have a nice day."

"You too."

He closed the door and re-hooked the latch, unfolding the piece of paper to read what it said.

"We have received a noise complaint from room 304, this is a warning to please keep the noise down or we will have to ask you to leave the hotel. Oh lord, what happened last night."

He made his way back into the main part of the room, vowing to go back to sleep until his flight later that day before he noticed a neatly folded piece of paper on the bedside table.

"Yay, more strange notes." he said to himself as he picked it up to unfold it.

He searched the pockets of his discarded clothes for his phone, eventually finding it in his jacket pocket. He ignored the various texts from friends asking if he was all right, vowing to reply to them later, before opening up his closest friend group chat.

do any of you guys know
whose number this is?
[image sent]

talk fast  ❮ t.sivan ❯ [ON HOLD]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora