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Luna's POV

It was Sunday morning and I just now realized that I am in Jake's bed. I better get back to my dorm before anyone finds out. I got back to my dorm and once again Darren was there.
"How the hell did you get in here?" I asked starting to get angry at the fact that he keeps coming into my room.
"Well, it was unlocked." he smirked. Dang, I left my dorm room unlocked again. Shoot!
"I don't care your not supposed to go into peoples dorm rooms without permission, so get out!" I yelled.
"Nope." he sat there.
Oh no........

Jake's POV

I woke up and realized that Luna wasn't in my bed, she left. Well, I understand if she doesn't want anyone to find out about us dating. Suddenly, I heard screaming. I new that scream from anywhere, it was Luna! I ran as fast as I could over to her room. I tried to open the door, but it was locked. What do I do, what do I do. Ah! There was a guy fixing the ceiling and had a hammer.
"Im sorry, but I really need this, I'll bring it right back." I said and he just nodded.
It was obvious that he didn't hear Luna screaming because he had his headphones on. I went back to her door and started hitting it with the hammer. The door finally got to the point where I could get in. When I walked in that room I couldn't believe my eyes. Darren was raping Luna. I rushed over to them. I started hitting and punching Darren.
"HELP ME!" Luna screamed as she struggled to get free and I tried to get Darren off of her.

I was finally able to get him off her. I was very angry, I punched him so hard to the point where he bled. He pulled his pants up and ran out of the room. I ran over to Luna. She was crying.
"Oh my gosh Luna, are you ok!" I said.
She just hugged me and cried on my shoulders. She had no pants and no shirt on. I can't believe it Darren had raped her, he hurt her. I didn't know what to say.
"Help me." she just whispered.
"Luna, babe, your safe now, your with me." I said in a calm voice.

I asked the janitor if he could fix the door and he did. After that, I cleaned Luna's confider and sheets and had her sit down with a blanket and coffee. She was still shaking and I was still very angry. I just sat by her and comforted her. She was still crying and I just wanted to be with her. Tears started running down my eyes.
"Luna, your ok now." I just whispered.
"I'm sorry, Jake." she said.
"You don't have to be sorry, you didn't do anything." I said back.
"I didn't mean to, it's just..." she stopped.
"Shhh, it's ok, you don't have to be sorry, you didn't do anything." I said calmly.

I stayed with her the whole day because she wanted me to and what happened has been on her mind. She is still really scared he is going to come back. Surprisingly, no one new or found out about the raping and I didn't even bother telling anyone cause they either wouldn't listen or things would get worse.
"Hey umm, I know your scared so I'm not going to leave you but can I take a shower?" I asked.
"Yes, you can but be quick, please." she said.

Luna's POV

I never thought that this would ever happen to me, but sadly it did. I sat there and waited for Jake to get out because I was really scared and I was still shaking. I wished this had never happened to me. What did I do to deserve this? Finally, Jake got out of the shower and now it was my turn.
After I got out of the shower, I got ready for bed and crawled onto my bed. Jake got in the bed on the other side and I curled up next to him. I didn't think I would get to sleep tonight and I new I had school tomorrow. I really didn't want to go. I thought about everything and had a hard time sleeping but I got a few hours of sleep.

Jake's POV

Surprisingly, Luna was still in bed. Even though she was still scared about what happened yesterday, I thought she would still get up early for school like she always did. I tapped her on the shoulder.
"Hey, babe it's time to get up." I said.
"What?" she lifted her head.
"Come on, we have to go to school." I kissed her in the cheek and headed to my dorm to get ready. But before I opened the door and left, she ran over to me and tugged my arm away from the door. She started crying.
"DON'T LEAVE ME!" she cried.
"I'll be right back, I just have to get some clothes on, ok?" I said
"Ok, but hurry!" she was still crying.
I went to my dorm and got my clothes on. I quickly ran back to her dorm and when I walked in she was bushing her hair. She had already gotten her clothes on. After she was done with her hair, she went into the bathroom to brush her teeth. After that, we headed to class.

Luna's POV

I walked into class with Jake and there was Darren sitting a his seat. I couldn't look at him, so I just ignored his gaze. At sat down in my seat and Jake sat right next to me but Darren just kept staring at me.

I went to all of my other classes and during my last class I kept thinking of what Darren did to me. I had held my tears in all day and I couldn't take it anymore. I started crying in class, tears were running down my face. Everyone started looking at me confused. I got out of my seat and ran out of the classroom crying. I went to the bathroom and splashed water on my face. I went out of the bathroom and decided to sit against the wall for a little bit.

Jake's POV

Everyone was so confused, except for Darren and the teacher was sitting at her desk not knowing what was going on either. I got up from my seat and walked out of the classroom. I knew exactly where Luna would be, in the bathroom and I would wait for her. When I got there she was sitting against the wall outside of the bathrooms. I sat down beside her and hugged her. She hugged me back tears falling down from her face onto my shoulder.
"Hey, it's ok, your gonna be ok." I whispered.
"I can't take it anymore. I want to go back to my dorm please!" she begged. I mean, we were in our last class and it was almost over.
"Let's go, but I have to ask Miss Jones if we can go, ok?" I said as I helped her up.
"Ok." she said.
I had Luna wait outside the classroom because I knew she didn't want to go back in there. I went into the classroom and went over to Miss Jones.
"I think me and Luna are going to go back to our dorms. Luna is really upset and doesn't want to be here right now, so can we go?" I told her.
"Yes, you may." she said.
"Ok do we have any homework?" I asked.
"No." she said.
I gathered our stuff up as everyone looked at me. The three girls spoke.
"What a cry baby, oh and her boyfriend is helping her, so cute, ugh she is such a slut." Cloe said and they started giggling.
"YOU KNOW WHAT, I'M SO SICK OF YOU THREE, SHUT UP YOU ASSHOLES!" I yelled as I stormed out of the classroom.
"Are you ok, I heard you yell and it didn't sound good?" Luna asked.
"No, we need to go, now!" I was angry.
We went back to Luna's dorm and when we walked in I slammed the door shut.
"I'm not going to talk to you about Cloe, Amy, Sally because I don't think I should tell you at this moment. Anyway, are you ok?" I asked.
"Yeah, I'm ok." she said.
"Ok well I think you should just lie down and rest. You will definitely not be going to school tomorrow and neither will I." I told her as I went into the kitchen to get Luna some food.

Luna's POV

I just laid in my bed as I waited for Jake to come back with some food. I was still crying and I was still very scared. It was getting dark and I was getting tired. I decided to get in the shower and go to bed.

When I was done taking my shower, I got ready for bed. I was glad I didn't have to go to school tomorrow because I really didn't want this to happen again. I crawled in bed and went to sleep with Jake by my side.

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