Chapter 9 / The Game (II)

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Now, over to Mario, who was being chased by a fucking nuke. How fun!

Mario: Holy shito!



Some plates of the nuke fell off, and two turrets popped out.

SMG4: I just shit my pants...

Mario: Mario is absolutely fucked!

But of course, these aren't regular turrets. They didn't fire bullets or misses... No, no no. That's too calm.
They fired more nukes!



The nuke caught up with Mario, and hit him square in the back of the head with it's pointed end. It exploded, and made the biggest mushroom cloud ever.

Raven: If that was a real mushroom, someone would be very happy right now.

Wario: naooooooooooooooooo!

Raven: Oh, shut up.

Infinite: Holy!

Crystal: What?

Infinite: Look!

Crystal looked behind her.

Crystal: Oh! Let's run!

Infinite: Good idea!

Raven was eating popcorn and watching it all unfold.

Raven: Ha! That was awesome! Everyo- wait where is (Y/N)?

Raven teleported to (Y/N), who was hiding in a small cake with Marie. Raven turned off his invisibility, and approached the two. He crouched to get to their level.

Raven: What happened?

(Y/N): Some giant monster with a fucking minigun and riot armor just charged at us out of nowhere.

Raven: Wait.. ok, that's your fault. You should be going to areas with enemies you know are tougher than you.

Marie: Lesson learned.

Raven stood back up.

Raven: You missed so much! I sent an airdrop and two nuclear bombs... You would have loved it.

(Y/N): You did that to everyone? You're an asshole.

Raven: Oh, come on.

Marie: Do you think the monster is gone (Y/N)?

(Y/N): I think so.

The two crawled out of their tiny little hidy hole.

Raven: Oh, and it's 10:00. So, you're fucked in every possible way. Bye!

Raven disappeared.

(Y/N): Shiiiiittt.....

Marie: What's so bad about night?

(Y/N): Well... Umm...

Raven appeared again. Raven was also shaking so much that he could cause a earthquake.

Raven: Everything. You ever had a monster with tentacles coming out of it's mouth kill you twice?

Marie: No..

Raven: Didn't think so. Have you ever had a giant zombie smash you into ground until you're paste?

Marie: Uh....

(Y/N): You're getting oddly specific.

Raven: Because that's what's gonna happen. But you know what? These are too easy of monsters. I think they need some help.

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