One Of My Many Mistakes

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Okay, so I'm giving myself a MAJOR challenge here. I'm NOT a Christian or religous in anyway. I DON'T mean to offend anyone with this story. So please, tell me what you think and give me some feedback on what to improve for the next chapter. Thank you, Serena.

"Why do you hide your face, Sarai? Are you some kind of freak?" Their taunts echoed through my head.

"Yes" I murmured "yes, I'm a freak"

They wouldn't understand. I knew that. I remembered my last school. I trusted them. They saw my face.

"She's not human... she's a daemon"

When I was little, I thought everything was normal. I thought I was normal. Now I know better. But then again, what is normal? Some days are harder than others. Some days, I forget what my parents taught me. I forget that God makes us all unique.

"Hey, Sarai! Come over here! We have something to show you. It's the new school headline. Do you like it?"

That was the worst day of my life. That headline terrorized me.

"It's okay you know. You don't have to be afraid. I won't hurt you."

I believed her too. One of many mistakes.

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