One Of My Many Mistakes

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Okay, so I know I said that I would make the chapters longer. I'm not going to anymore. As soon as I try to write long chapters they get boring. Oh well... the newest chapter of One Of My Many Mistakes! Enjoy, and please tell me what you think XD

April 25th

It's been a year since I've smiled. A year since I've laughed. A whole year since I last had a friend. A whole freaking year since I've trusted anyone. What Hali did to me completely ruined what little trust I had in people. She treats me worse than anyone else ever has now. I can't blame her really. I didn't tell her the truth, so she probably feels betrayed.

Unfortunately, the teachers picked up on it. They sent me to the school counsellor. She thought I was hopeless. The whole school gave up on me. I was the freak, the outcast. But things are looking up now. There's a new girl in the class. Her name's Beth. She seems nice, or at least, she didn't start calling me a freak as soon as she saw my eyes. I liked her for that. She said that my eyes were a blessing. They meant that He cared enough to mark me for something special. I liked her for that as well. She's offered for me to come to her youth group on Friday. I think I'd like that.


May 28th

I told my parents that I was going to church tomorrow. They were in shock. I don't know why. They were fine when I started going to youth group a month ago. I guess they didn't think I was serious about it. I think they must have thought I was treating it as an activity group with the name religion tacked on. But some of the things they talk about are really interesting. Beth says that there's an amazing passage in the bible, that tells you that you don't need to worry anymore, because you're in his hands. I want to believe. That's why I'm going tomorrow.

All the people at Beth's youth group are really nice. They don't stare at my eyes like they are cursed. They don't care.


September 5th

I've been going to church on Sunday's for three months now. It's been amazing. Sometimes I help out with little kids. The Caterpillars, they are called. They are so cute! There's a little girl called Katie who clings to me. It feels really nice, to have someone who trusts me that much, even with my eyes. It feels like a whole new family. I'm trying to get my parents to come along, but they say that religion isn't for them. They're happy for me though.

Things at school aren't getting any better, but Beth is helping me rise above the remarks of my classmates. I don't wear my sunglasses in the halls anymore. I don't sweep my hair in front of my eyes. What Hali said still hurts, but I know that I can get over it now.


February 3rd

I thought I could get over what Hali said, but Nathaniel has just moved back to my school.


February 7th

I can't stand this anymore! Wherever I go, people stare at me. I know it's not everyone, but I feel like I can't leave my house anymore. I don't know what to do anymore


Isaiah 40:31 But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2011 ⏰

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