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Sonia: Either say yes to this dress or I am leaving you!

Ryoma: Yes.

Sonia: You don't sound very enthusiastic.

Ryoma: I'm not.

Sonia: And why ever not?

Ryoma: Because, no matter how many times you ask, my answer will stay the same. You look beautiful in whatever you wear.

Sonia: Aww, do you really mean it?

Ryoma: Sure.

Sonia: You're so sweet, sugarbear!

A knock on the door.

Ryoma: Come in.

Ishimaru: Sorry to interrupt sir, but the one you sent for is here.

Ryoma: Good. I will meet him in the courtyard momentarily.

Ishimaru: I'll let him know.


Ryoma: Kaito. I see you've finally come round.

Kaito: Only because my hand was forced. I would never willingly betray my homeland without running out of options first.

Ryoma: Of course. I admire your loyalty. But I also admire your ability to see when a cause is lost. It is a shame that your former leaders aren't very intelligent.

Kaito: Rantaro's intelligent enough to keep his kingdom from being taken over by you.

Ryoma: This won't be the case for much longer. We're also talking about the very same man who threw his best general in prison for...absolutely nothing?

Kaito: He was misinformed. He believed I was having an affair with his wife.

Ryoma: When in actuality you weren't.

Kaito: I was set to be executed...but one day they just let me out. I've no idea why. So I took over a pub that was going out of business—

Ryoma. Yes, yes. You need not tell your entire life story. Tell me, what 'forced your hand,' as you put it?

Kaito: I was getting there. Some hooligan burned my pub down.

Ryoma: Unfortunate.

Kaito: I'd say.

Ryoma: Well, let's get to why you're here. You give me every bit of information you have about the Rantaro Regions now.

Kaito: What do I get in return?

Ryoma: Your life.


A hooded figure climbs the wall of the tallest tower of Ryoma's castle. They open a window quietly and slip in. In the room, Sonia brushes her hair, facing the other way, oblivious to the intruder.

???: Surprise, my lady.

Sonia: Ah! Gundham...you frightened me! I've asked you before, please don't do that.

Gundham: Are you not pleased to see me?

Sonia: Of course I am. But you shouldn't be here! Ryoma could return here at any moment.

Gundham: He'll be busy for a while yet, trust me. We have plenty of time to—

The door suddenly opens, revealing two men.

Ishimaru: Plenty of time to be caught flirting with the soon-to-be-queen? Just wait until Lord Ryoma hears of this. Executioner, I think you'll be getting another pair of boots to add to your collection tonight.

Mondo: Excellent. Mine have been getting pretty worn...heh.

Ishimaru: Ha...ha...

Mondo: Hehehehe...

Ishimaru: Muehehehe...

Mondo: Muahahahaha!

Ishimaru: ...ha!

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