What You See is Not What you Get

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It was a chilly fall day, and school

Just let out for the week. It was a week before my 10th birthday and that's ALL I could talk about! My best Friend Allison lived next door and we were planning my party for months! Allison had brown eyes and long thick blonde hair, she had model looks and was a model student. As soon as I got home I dropped my backpack down and rushed over to see Allison. Right when I was about to leave I saw something unusual, my father walked inside of the wall!That's the first time I noticed something odd, and it would not be the last! With my birthday on my mind I didn't think much of it, and directed my thoughts to my birthday.

It's been 5 years and I have changed a lot, but since then I have noticed some strange things happen. On my 10th birthday I noticed something odd about myself, I could think about something a person, item,anything and it would appear! Right in front of my eyes! I thought it was a dream at first, but then it happened again! It was during dinner, I was thinking about Randy's new phone, and I wish I had one as cool as his! Then out of no where it appeared in my hand. My parents were not the slightest bit phased, and now that I think about it...I wonder why they were not phased...

Today I saw something even crazier!

My father, he walked through the wall AGAIN! This time I was SURE about it!

I followed him....it was a lair! There were Chemicals and bubbling potions,it was lit with black lights and was pretty chilly, musk filled my lungs and old dusty books filled the shelves of the room.

Following my father he walked to another door scanned his hand and left. He just disappeared..Walked into air..was My father was a wizard...ghost...what...? Whatever it was It was NOT NORMAL! Maybe this would explain some of the unexplainable things that keep happening around here...this brings us to now. I Katie Brown have declared my life mission to find out WHAT is going on and WHO I am!

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