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Noah felt an exploding pain in his lower jaw as Kirin's curled up fist connected with his lower jaw. Jerk  Noah thought. His shaggy black hair hung in front of his eyes slightly obscuring his vision of Kirin. Kirin's dark tanned arms now hung loosely beside him, his face snarling with rage and his green eyes danced. Noah's fist curled into a ball and faked a punch towards Kirin's face, Kirin moved his arms to protect it leaving his stomach unprotected. Noah quickly changed the punches direction the his stomach, when his fist connected with the soft flesh, Kirin doubled over gasping for air.  "I'll get you next time King! You just watch." Noah smirked at Kirin's threat "That is if you can get me!" Noah called back, and had to duck to doge a glass bottle that was being thrown in his direction by Kirin.

Noah laughed and ran away listening to Kirin's voice fading into the background noises, when he heard a scream. At first Noah thought it was Kirin but realised all too soon that the scream was feminine. He rushed over to where he heard the scream and saw that some jerk was harassing a pretty brown haired girl. The guy was wearing a grey hoodie and jeans, his arm was stretched out pinning the girl to the wall. 'Jason, stop!' the voice shrieked. And grey hoddie chuckled, That must be Jason decided Noah. The girl had a spray of freckles across her nose and her green eyes worried, they focused on Noah and she yelled "help!", Noah had been in may fights before but none of them had ever involved him fighting for someone else, only ever  for himself. "Hey!" he called out to Jason, "Why don't you stop harassing that girl and go back to flipping those MacDonald burgers!" 

Janson turned to face the voice that had called him out "Yeah, step away from Freckles." Noah called. Jason's face was large and pudgy with a nose that looked like it had been broken multiple times, Jason's blue eyes screamed psycho. Jason took his hand off Freckles and tucked a small strand of his blonde hair behind his ear. Jason towered above Noah, but Noah was faster and more agile. When Jason spoke it sounded deep and rough as if he'd been eating cigarettes.  "What are you going to do if I don't leave her?" Noah saw Jason's eyes glinting with malice  content and a sadistical smile on his face.

Noah balled up his fists and rushed towards Jason. Jason's meaty hands tried to grab Noah's shirt but he was just too fast. Noah threw a punch at Jason's unprotected stomach and was rewarded with a satisfying oof as his fist connected with the soft flesh by his abdominal region.  Jason swivelled to face Noah, and he ran to doge Jason. He was going to fast to doge the wall so he smacked into it face first, and fierce pain throbbed in his nose, a trickle of blood ran down his lip. Jason quickly caught up with Noah and threw a punch at Noah's head and then one at his stomach. The world started spinning if front of Noah's eyes and colours that he'd never seen before danced in front of him.  He felt his stomach lurch and nearly threw up his lunch (Which had consisted of coffee and an apple).

He saw the world turning dark and his vision tunnelled and focused on Freckles who was staring at him worriedly. He was afraid of what would happen if he fainted. Freckles might get sexually abused by Jason.  He fought against his Nausea and tried to keep his eyes open. Jason's back was turned to Noah, Jason probably thought that his punch had knocked Noah out and had stupidly turned to face Freckles. Noah snuck up behind him and threw a punch against the back of his skull. Jason's eyes rolled into his head showing only the whites and tottered for a few seconds before he hit the floor with a sickening thwack. 

"Oh my gosh." Freckles said, looking at Noah, then Jason, and then back to Noah. "Are you ok?" He grinned and flashed her a thumbs up sign before falling to the ground, hurling his lunch contents and then fainting.

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