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The black haired boy slumped on the ground, unmoving and unresponsive. Ray wasn't sure what she should do. After a short while of debating with herself, she decided to call the ambulance. Both Jason and the other boy had both sustained hard punches to their heads and it was likely that a concussion could occur. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and dialled 000. "Hi this is triple zero, what emergency service do you need."  A female voice responded.

"Oh...Umm..." Ray had never had to call emergency services before, she wasn't too sure of what to say.  "I need an ambulance. T-there was a fight and..." she trailed off feeling unsure of herself. "Were you injured?" Asked the woman, the concern was clear in her voice.

"N-no, but both of the guys who were fighting were though... they were both punched in the head..." Ray trailed off, unsure of how to go on with the story of the fight that had happened so suddenly. "I'll send an ambulance over, I just need your current location." Ray told the woman and was about to hang up when the voice on the other side of the line chirped. "Honey, I know you're probably about to hang up but I need you on the line until the ambulance arrives." 

"W-why?" Ray hadn't been this nervous since her father had- Stop! the voice in her brain yelled. Don't you ever think about that again. she scolded herself "Because I'll need to know if their condition worsens over the course of time it takes for the ambulance to get there." Ray sighed quietly so that the woman on the other end of the line couldn't hear her. 

"How did the fight start?" The woman needed the details but Ray was reluctant to reply. If she told the woman why the fight had started Jason would be out to get her... well more than he already was. The point was that Ray was in a relationship with Jason, but he had abused her just like- "Hello?" the voice broke her from her thoughts. "Are you still there?" 

"Yes... I'm still here."

"So how'd the fight start."

"One of the guys was harassing me." She blurted out. A feeling of embarrassment and betrayal engulfed her. She had just dug this hole for herself, she would have to tell the other woman what had happened or she would feel guilty for the rest of her life. Besides, she hadn't betrayed Jason, he was already out to get her. "The other came out of no where and told him to stop." the words that the other boy had said "Yeah, step away from freckles." ran through her mind. "The guy who was harassing got worked up and told him to go away, the fight started after that."

Ray nervously bit her lip waiting for a response, but the woman was silent. More silence ensued and she realised that her phone had died. Damn it!  Ray  tapped the screen but it stayed a dull black instead of lighting up with the picture of her and her mum, enjoying one of the last good days together.

Ray felt her walls crumbling and turned and walked away with hardly a second thought about either one of the men on the floor. She walked just to get away from the situation, the fight and the incident with her parents... 

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