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Confidence is...

- Walking down the middle of the staircase without high heels.

- Saying "when" instead of "if".

- Not looking down at your feet while you walk.

- Not bouncing your leg when you answer a question in class.

- Not swaying while you give a speech.

- Singing really loudly in the shower, even when you hear somebody in the hallway.

- Listening to your favorite, most nerdy, ridiculously stupid song in the car, even when you're carpooling with somebody you don't know very well.

- Saying "No" to something you aren't okay with.

- Playing with children like an idiot, even when your crush is watching.

- Texting him/her first, simply because you don't care if you're bothering them or not.

- Feeling sexy in your T-shirt and cut-off jeans, just because your hair looks nice today.

- Stepping out of the shower and singing louder than before.

- Walking into class on exam day, sitting down and saying, "I've got this."

- Taking criticism well. 

- Not changing something you were proud of simply because somebody didn't like it.

- Dancing down the hallway as a way to get through the crowd faster (this is an effective method.)

- Skipping...anywhere's hard to skip. 

- Falling down and laughing at yourself.

- Taking somebody's insults about you, shrugging, and laughing with them, admitting they may be right.

- Not taking someone's insults to heart, because you know who you are and you know you aren't what they say.

- Catching a frisbee meant for somebody who wasn't paying attention, then throwing it to the cute dude across the field.

- Smiling at someone attractive.

- That feeling you get when someone attractive smiles at you.

- Actually eating on your first date.

- Actually eating when you go out with your friends.

- Actually eating when you're at a party with finger-foods.

- Actually eating.

- Finding your voice.

- Saying, "Yeah, I'm probably going to suck this up, but I'm going to go for it anyway."

- Saying, "That could have been better, but let's be could have been worse, too."

- Saying, "There's always next time."

- Not giving up at the first bump in the road.

- Learning to laugh at the little things.

- Being comfortable in your own skin.

- Key.

- Being able to believe that you're pretty, or smart, or talented WITHOUT someone having to tell you. 

- Saying "Thank you" when someone compliments you, instead of "No, I'm not."

- Giving OTHER people compliments.


I may add more to this list as I think about them. But here's just a few things that I personally think show signs of confidence. Everybody struggles with confidence. Even me. But we all have the chance RIGHT NOW to get motivated and to start believing in ourselves, even if nobody else does. ANYTHING can be achieved. <3 Paperclips and Possibilites, remember?

God Bless and Happy Reading! :D 

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