The Sorting Ceremony

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The boats were beautiful, the lake was beautiful, the castle was beautiful. As much as Draco didn't want to show it, he was impressed by the grandeur of everything, not to mention its... magic. His parents had told him endless stories about their days at Hogwarts, so many that Draco believed nothing about the castle could surprise him. But as he sat in a boat gliding across the Black Lake with a look of haughty indifference on his face, he was secretly as awestruck as all those around him. 

They soon reached the castle and followed the half-giant called Hagrid ("An oaf, according to my father," Draco had informed the others) inside the school. They were taken to a small room where they were left alone, nervous and whispering to each other. Draco, however, had business on his mind. Peering around the room his eyes alighted on his target- a scruffy looking boy with a lightning-shaped scar on his forehead. Blaise and Pansy seemed busy deciding what houses those around them would be sorted into, so Draco grabbed Crabbe and Goyle and led them over to where Harry Potter was standing. They followed him without complaint. Of course they did. 

Before he reached Harry he was stopped in his tracks. He'd just noticed the boys two companions. There was another boy who Draco immediately identified as a Weasley- his robes were too small and obviously hand-me-downs, his hair was flaming red, and he had dirt on his nose. But it was the girl, that girl that took his attention. She wasn't really talking to the other two, but standing slightly to the side, next to the Longbottom boy who was holding his toad. From here Draco could see that her eyes were brown as well as her hair. Well, brown wasn't the right word. Hazel, maybe? They were nice to look at, anyway. Nice to look into. She still looked determined. To do what, Draco wasn't sure, but if her attitude was anything like her appearance he was sure she'd accomplish it. 

    "Draco? What are you doin'?" Crabbe asked, snapping him out of his gazing. He'd been thinking about that mudblood again! If she really was a mudblood... he didn't know for sure, he couldn't judge too soon, perhaps she was a pureblood. No! What was wrong with him! He had to snap out of it. He came here to talk to Potter, and talk to Potter he would. Not that Harry had made a good choice in first acquaintances. A mudblood and a blood traitor. Well, Draco would have to set him on the right path before it was too late. He smoothed his hair down and beckoned to Crabbe and Goyle. 

Stalking over to Harry he put on his best 'superior' voice. 

   "Well, well, well, it looks like the rumours on the train were true. Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts." Draco's loud voice and the statement he made caused whispers to break out among the gathered students. He was pleased with that reaction. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the girl looking at him. He resisted the urge to look back. Instead, he smirked down at Potter, who was looking confused. 

    "My name is Malfoy. Draco Malfoy." The Weasley next to Harry let out a derivative snort. Draco immediately fixed his gaze upon the red-headed boy. He did not take well to being ridiculed. "You find that funny do you?" Weasley's grin faded and he broke eye contact. But Draco wasn't finished with him. "Red hair, and a hand-me-down robe? You must be a Weasley." He put as much contempt as possible into their family name. Turning his attention back to Harry he said, "I think you'll find that there are some wizarding families that are better than others, Potter. Best make sure you make friends with the right kind. I can help with that." Pleased with himself, Draco extended his hand for Harry to shake. This would show that Weasley boy what he was up against. Harry met Draco's eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2019 ⏰

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