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Hyunjin stood frozen as Chris cuffed his hands securely. He did not know what was happening and his brain was blank. It was not that he had never thought of getting caught by the police but he never expected to be arrested this soon.

He glanced at Hyejin who was with Lee Know, Changbin and Seungmin. It was those three that called Chris because they had no other choice and had no idea of how to track Hyejin or Hyunjin.

Luckily, Chris picked up their call immediately and when told about the situation, he told them to come to the police department. They were confused at first but did as told and were astonished by the fact that Chris was an undercover cop who was hunting the association down.

"This is the biggest plot twist. Never expected things to end this way."

Chris smiled upon hearing Hyunjin and looked up at him from the file that he was reading. It turned out that Chris had stabbed him at night to prove loyalty to association and not found suspicious so that he could continue his mission.

"You know I've always wanted to be that charming, mysterious character," Chris admitted and stroke a cool pose, "I did well, didn't I?"

"You sure did," Hyunjin agreed.

The two noticed Hyejin seeking for Chris so he went over to speak with her.

"Can I talk with him?"

"Sure. Been waiting for you to ask. Make it quick though. We need to bring him back to the office for interrogation."


"No probs."

Hyunjin grinned at Hyejin who shook her head. She held the cuffs and pulled a bit to harshly that Hyunjin yelped.

"Whoah there, tiger. It hurts."

"Such a young boy and these things-" she sobbed and couldn't bring herself to continue. Hyunjin felt guilty to see her cry but he used his hands to wipe her tears and gave her the sweetest smile.

"It's alright. This is how we always end. Just sad that we met at the wrong time."

Hyejin wiped her tears and looked at him angrily.

"This is all your fault! How could you make someone older than you fall for you?"

"I can't control your heart."

"But you tugged my heartstrings."

"Is this a confession? Are you finally admitting that you like me."

Hyejin punched his arm and he winched in pain which made her immediately soften up and asked if he was alright. He chuckled and nodded his head.

"I'll be fine. Don't worry."

Hyejin gave him a tight hug and Hyunjin puckered his lips. She rolled her eyes and gave him a light peck which made him grin.

The police officers started their move and Chris took Hyunjin away. He gave Hyejin a slight bow before he left as he would need her as a witness later on. That was how they said their goodbyes.

5 years later

"Take cafe of yourself. Make sure you eat properly and sleep well. If there are any bullies, make sure they learn their lesson but don't hit them because that might extend your sentence. If there's anything you need, tell me. I'll send it to you," Hyejin told Hyunjin who sat at the other end. The glass window being their barrier and a police officer on the watch as they spoke.

"Yes, mother."


Hyunjin was charged with manslaughter 1st degree and was sentenced to jail for ten years because he had only joined the association for two years, plus he was underaged when he first joined. The rest of members in that association were given life imprisonment or sentenced to death.

Putting those aside, Hyejin had been frequently visiting Hyunjin whenever she was given an opportunity. Her lips always stretched up in a smile when Hyunjin was in her sight. Her heart ached to see him in prisoner clothes but she showed no sign of sadness.

"Why do you keep coming? Do you have nothing better to do?" Hyunjin asked with a small pout.

"Yeah, I don't. That's why you should quickly finish your sentence and marry me."



"I mean I would love to marry you but oh my gosh," Hyunjin covered his face in embarrassment while Hyejin laughed as she found him so cute. She still loved teasing him.

"Just stay healthy and don't worry about me. Lee Know got me a job so I'll be back in the entertainment world soon. I'll work hard so that when you come out, everything will be ready and that you can attend school again."

"I-I can?"

Hyunjin looked at her with hope sparkling in his eyes. Hyejin nodded.

"Seungmin said he will help."

"Hyejin.., I don't know how to thank you."

The other held her hand up and placed it against the glass. Hyunjin looked at it and placed his hand where she had. They then locked gazes.

"Everything will be fine now. You have people to rely on so don't suffer alone."

"Thank you."

They spoke sweet words to each other and it was time for Hyejin to leave. They bid each other farewell and promised to see each other again. The time they met again was when Hyunjin finished his sentence.

Hyejin ran to hug him the moment he stepped out. Hyunjin was more than happy to see her than to be free. Perhaps freedom also meant being with the person you love.

The two went to visit the columbarium and Hyunjin shed several tears. They met Seungmin there and Hyejin left the two to converse and catch up with everything.

Hyejin sat at the bench under the oak tree and admired the blue sky that was painted before her eyes. Someone covered her eyes, blocking the view.

"Who is this?"

"You have become more childish after you had been released."

Hyunjin pulled his hands back and sat down beside her, sulking.

"You are no fun. Must be because you are old."

As a punishment, Hyejin slapped his arm and he shrieked but laughed later on. Hyejin placed her head on his shoulder as he intertwined fingers with hers.

"Thank you for waiting," Hyunjin told her and she smiled.

It was just the beginning of their story together but you can tell that it would lead to a happy ending because they would surrender everything for their love.

~ The End ~

Surrender To Love | {H.HJ}Where stories live. Discover now