Addams Family One Direction Love Story Chapter7

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Wednesdays pov

As i left the house it didnt feel weird because im in love with Harry and i felt awesome I as walked into Harry s aparment " where were we?" Harry asked i felt amazing more than ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As i grabbed his lips and we started to make out thats when i felt kind of sick maybe stomach flu nevermind until i felt like vominitng up And i threw up " are you okay"? Harry asked me " i think i have stomach flu" I said " Its okay i love you still" He said

My new story coming soon


Who is the new artist that people love? Well Meet Cat with her new hit single Problem ft Iggy Azaela when one direction meets Cat she accidnetallys falls into love and preggo with one of the boys baby but thats not till later. But who is the father????

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