chapter one, the beginning of it all

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Photos aren't MINE

Hi, I'm ash, this is astride Lilly and moon. We are youtubers and we like to go investigate places.
We live in Canada and we live in the middle of no where.we just moved here and we had no idea what was going to happen, that day, on July, 13, 1780.

"Guys! Get up! Breakfast is ready!" I told everyone. Everyone ate and got ready and we all Sat down on the couch. "So how do you guys like the house?" i asked
"Its cool, its big I like it, but I don't know, there's this earie feeling, like, its not just us. " astride said. " yea, I thought I heard someone walking down the hall at midnight. But everyone was asleep." Lilly said.
"Well that's reassuring. I'm not walking down that hall near that time now." moon said, she was never the girl who really like this type of stuff, well, she did but I guess you could say the ghosts
or spirits whatever you call them, are more strong to her, she can feel when something's there I guess you could say, Lilly was a girly girl tomboy if that makes sense, her fashion was tomboy but she acted like a girly girl but you could tell she was tomboy at the same time. Astride, she knows what she likes and knows what she doesn't. She is strong on how she feels, and me, I should be in a mental asylum. We had a about 30 minutes until we had to leave so we looked up some YouTube videos and we found a game called "loop of time", we decided to set everything up to play the game, after everything was ready we started the game, but we had to go after playing the game for 5 minutes. "Okay lets go people." Lilly said. Every one got up and now we arrived school. "Wow this place is huge!" I said. " I don't know, this place feels, off." moon said. "Moon, you always think that." astride said. " okay not all the time, but look, they are all staying at us with a blank look, in fact, everyone is looking at us like as if we murdered someone." moon replied. Everyone had a pale white face. They didn't smile, grin, look sad, mad, upset, angry, happy, depressed, hateful, gladefull, heck not even bored. That's a hard one. They just looked, so pale and, blank. We kept our heads down and walked into school. Their heads turned and watched us until they couldn't. Everyone in the school looked at us the same as the people outside. I was trying to focus and not look at them and every one stepped aside as we walked in the middle of the hall and just watched us. I bumped into someone and looked up. " I'm sorry, I should of played attention. " I said. He just looked down slightly and staired. He didn't even nod. I backed up and bumped into someone else, I turned around and they were staring at me. "I'm sorry" I said so I stepped to the left and bumped into someone, "please excuse me," I said. My friends were no where near and I was alone, everyone started circuling around me, some just starred while holding their stuff. I felt many emotions. Fear, unsettled, and like didn't belong and I was about to cry but then my friend astride pushed through them and grabbed me and we walked off. I felt, a very sudden of unworthy? The rest of the day just got weirder and weirder. Finally, it's lunch. Everyone was in line, dead silence. You couldn't hear someone walking. At all. Not even the slitest noise of when they shifted their feet and turned. Not the squeek of the rubber against the floors. There was something very off, something very, very off. The lunch lady just starred forwards and put down food. The kid just looked straight and held out their plates. I was next. I held,out my tray and I had a voice in my head.

DONT. Look at anyone

DONT look at anyone

DONT Look at anyone.

DONT look at their eyes

DONT look at their eyes

DONT look at their eyes

DONT replay

The last one, was more strong. I felt like I was being watched, at every corner, at every angle, so I kept my head down. And let her put the food down. I didt say anything and I could tell she was watching me. I looked down and saw a empty table. No one was watching me so I decided to sit their. As soon as I Sat down I got chills. And everyone started to stare at me. I kept my head down and waited for my friends. Everyone got the same results. We got to p.e and evryone was looking down and their shoulders where slopped and they looked pale. We opened the doors and everyone stopped. The looked at us for a minute, then, they just continued the same thing. It was time to go home and I was walking with my friends down a empty hall.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2019 ⏰

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