Plot Three

9 0 0

The after math:
Panting hard,  she quickly ran through the forest. Her heart was beating so fast that it felt like it would burst right through her chest. Chasing her was a pack of trained dogs sent out to catch people like her. And far behind the dogs were men from the government, guns at their sides running as fast as they could to keep up with them.
Before: It was a normal day like  any other. People went to their jobs,  kids went to school. The government made pills that every single person on Earth had to take everyday. To them it was normal, something that made their lives better. It made them not see what the government was actually planning. Some people stopped taking the pills and they slowly started piecing together what the government was doing to them.
This is what happened to Velvet. She hated taking the damned medication the government gave everyone to follow orders.  She was 18 and she wanted to have a will of her own and do what she wanted, not what other people told her. So she threw them away. Of course the government found out and pursued her.
Anybody who didn't take it would be eliminated...if they could catch them.
After math (again):
After a short while of running she came across a cliff. There were only two options; Get caught and killed immediately,  or jump and risk getting killed. Sighing to herself she prepares herself and jumped.

(You can be one of the guards that is chasing her, or somebody who finds her later on.)

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