Pink-ish Floyd

46 2 1

Nick: this band is really getting out of hand

Roger: What do you mean?

Nick: Don't tell me you don't see the problem here, what I mean is we can't all live in one household for 1 it's too much

Syd: okay Nick, explain too much

Nick: I mean it'd be fine living here if it wasn't crowded with CATS!

Roger: why do you have something against cats?

Nick: there's just too many, hell Syd and Rick's cats are enough to fill one house

This house has literally turned into a farm for cats

David: Nick DOES have a point besides I find it funny that horse-face here allows cats but he won't even let me keep a dog in here, if anyone has anything against anything it's Roger and his HATE towards dogs

Roger: I am NOT a horse-face

David: yes you are


Rick: will you two stop your bickering my cats kittens are trying to sleep

Nick: wait- Rick, what did you just say?

Am I hearing you right? Your cat, had kittens.

Rick: yeah just a while ago, don't worry I don't plan on keeping them, I can't afford to be taking care of one adult cat and 5 kittens

Syd: put them up for adoption, that's what I did when Mallie had her kittens

Roger: I'll adopt them

Everyone: NO!

Roger: you guys are rude!

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