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Jacob POV

You guys i don't feel so good I have been throwing up none stop for the past 2 weeks i don't know what's going on...Michael has been asking me if I'm ok and i tell him yes just a little sick plus me and Babe are Graudting in 3 more weeks I'm so happy I can't wait to be with high school

Michael POV

Babe has been throwing up lately i hope he's ok also we are graduating in three weeks I am so happy no school after that senior was a success now on to better things

Jacob: Babe I'll be back

Michael: Where u going

Jacob: To see why I'm throwing up

Michael: ok see you when u get back

Jacob: ok later

He walked out the and left the gate of neverland then went to the hospital

Nurse: Jacob Perez

He got up and walked in the room then he explained that he's been throwing up so she ran some test

Jacob POV

I am really nervous and i feel hungry damn what is going on with me that's when my nurse walked in

Nurse: well we have your results

Jacob: ok

Nurse: the reason you been throwing up is becsuse your a 8 weeks pregnant

Jacob couldn't believe what she said he was pregnant

Nurse: and we printed out pictures

A year came down jacob face the baby was so cute him and Michael were going to be parents

Nurse: would u like to know the gender

Jacob: u can do that

Nurse: yes if u want to know

Jacob: ok

He laid back and he was so excited to know the gender of the baby

Nurse: you are having .....A Boy

Jacob had the biggest smile on his face their baby was so cute

Jacob POV

Ahh look at our baby he's so cute Michael is going to shocked when i tell him ...but i want to keep it a surprise

Once she was done he went up and went straight to sleep

Michael POV

I made it back from the studio amd walked in the room to see babe asleep ...i wonder what the doctor said so i woke him up

Michael: Babe wake up

Jacob: yes

Michael: what did the doctor say

Jacob looked at him for a good minute and then said

Jacob: Just a fever babe

Michael: ok

Jacob: Michael

Michael: yes

Jacob: and i also have a surprise for you soon

Michael: By soon u mean on my birthday or what

Jacob: No when u go on your and i know u are going to love it

Michael: ok That's fine and do u want me to make some soup

Jacob: yes and can u bring me some juice

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