jack avery; did you even love me?

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jack always comes home late, and it's a constant thing now. he's constantly on his phone, acting as if i'm not there. everyday he will tell me he's been staying at the studio late or he was hanging out with his best friends. i'm always asleep by the time he gets home, but this time i decided to to wait for him. i was sitting on the couch, waiting for jack to text me , and he did.

text convo:
jack: i'll be home late again, sorry

y/n's p.o.v

i just ignored it. i heard someone unlocking the door after a few moments later, i knew it was my boyfriend of two years. he opened the door and i looked up at him. "hey babe, why are you still awake?" he asked me. "just am." i said looking right at him. he sat his phone and stuff down on the seat beside of me. "alright, well i'm getting in the shower. love you." he said kissing my cheek walking up to our bed room, going to the bathroom. i turned the tv on, putting 'on my block' on looking at the time on my phone '2:49' am. then i heard a bing, it was jacks phone dinging from beside me. i couldn't help but look at it, that was my mistake. tears formed in my eyes as i read the text that lied on the lock screen of my boyfriends phone.

' i had so much fun with you tonight baby 💋 '

i felt sick. tears fell down my cheeks, as my vision went blurry. i wiped my tears but they kept falling, i don't get it.. why does he continue to stay with me..? i stood up, stumbling a bit. why me...
all i could do was think of that text message, and all the times i've spent with jack, and all the i love you's we shared. i heard steps come down the stairs, i look up and see the shirtless curly haired boy i fell in love with look at me. "hey baby, why are you crying?" he said hugging me, i froze as tears continued to fall down my cheeks.

jacks p.o.v

i walked down stairs and noticed y/n was crying, i hugged her and asked her why but she wouldn't answer me or hug back. i saw my phone was turned on with a notification on it. 'oh fuck'
i let y/n go for a second, and picked my phone up and read the notification. fuck! "baby i-" i tried to say but all i heard was crying and y/n mumbling soft words ' no no no ' to herself. "please listen to me.." i grabbed her softly and she pulled away from me. "after all the fucking effort i put into this relationship you cheat on me? for what a few months now i bet. you always come home late jack! it all makes fucking sense!" she yelled at me. i could see the pain in her eyes, i love this girl and now i'm going to lose her because of my stupid choices.

y/n's p.o.v

"i'll be back tomorrow to get my stuff, good bye jack." i said with tears falling down my face as i put my coat on, looking back at the boy i thought once loved me.
"please baby don't go.." he begged.
it's fake y/n, don't fall for it. i grabbed my keys and walked out of the house looking back at the house

i once called home.

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