Feild Trip part 1

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Havin's point of view:
My school is going on a feild trip soon. We will be going out of the state to a zoo. We will be riding school buses and not coach buses. We also have to pick parents to sit by and hang out with at the school. I was thinking of who to sit with and I kinda just wanted to see who asked me. To my surprise Carrera had asked me to be her travel partner you could say. Calle decided to sit in front of us with Justina. I love road trips so this will be fun. Especially since I get to go with my friends. I don't hangout with alot of people outside so school time and text is how I bond. We leave at 4 am which means we will miss academic classes. Another reason is so that we can get back by the time school ends. It's a 9 hour trip, 3 hours there and back, and 3 hours at the park. I plan to maybe take a nap, draw, read, go on my phone or, do some homework if I have some. I'm not exactly sure what Carrera plans to do. I guess I will find out?

Cupid? More like Calle!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt