Those hugs

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The ride back home was silent Tzuyu couldn't get out of her mind what Jungkook said earlier

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The ride back home was silent Tzuyu couldn't get out of her mind what Jungkook said earlier

Tzuyu's pov: what does he mean I'm only his? I feel my heart is about to exploded I think he can hear it too cause it's too quite here

Tz:what did you mean earlier?
JK:what I said...
Tz:that I'm only yours...
JK:relax Tzuyu we're just faking it right?
Tz:yeah...Just faking it...

Tzuyu was so angry not with him but with herself for falling for someone she souldn't have fallen for. When they reached Tzuyu's apartment she quickly got out of the car and Jungkook did too

JK:you know I could use a thank you
Tz:thank you... *She said coldly*
JK:what's wrong with you why so cold all of a sudden?
Tz:what's wrong with me? I think should ask that to yourself sir...
JK:what do you mean?
Tz:goodnight sir I'll see you tomorrow at the company...

Tzuyu heard him slap the cars door she went inside and laid on the bed thinking about everything.

                ~The next day~

Tzuyu got up wore a baby blue jumpsuit some white heels and went to the company. She got there early said hello to Marie and headed to her office

 She got there early said hello to Marie and headed to her office

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When she saw Jungkook entering the office her heart broke though he was with Lisa she couldn't believe him

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When she saw Jungkook entering the office her heart broke though he was with Lisa she couldn't believe him

Tz:goodmorning Mr. Jeon and ms Lisa
Lisa:call me mrs. Jeon from now on *Jungkook rolled his eyes*
Tz:you're getting married ?
Lisa:we could in the future
JK:just go inside... Tzuyu my coffee please.

Her voice cracked a little at the end

Tz:Marie two coffees and a croissant
Marie:you saw her right? So mean
Tz:tell me about it

Not even 5 mins after that Marie called again

Tz:yes what's wrong
Marie:Jungkook's parents are coming upstairs now from the elevator I couldn't stop them Mr. Jeon said it's his sons company their coming
Mrs. Jeon:Tzuyu darling you're here too?
Tz:uhh...Yeah I came over for Jungkook.. *They hugged*
Mr. Jeon:so where's my son?
Tz:uhh he had some work to do so he's inside his office..
Mr. Jeon:okay he can't have that much work were going for breakfast together so get ready

Tzuyu quickly pressed the botton on the phone that connected it with the phone in Jungkook's office

Tz:Mr & Mrs Jeon I think we shouldn't disturb him, he probably is really busy some other day maybe
Mrs. Jeon:aww how sweet so caring but I'm sure he can find time for his family

Jungkook had heard everything he started panicking

JK:Lisa you need to hide like now
Lisa:what why? I want to meet your parents!
JK:Lisa hide now!

He hid Lisa, opened the door and slid his arm on Tzuyu's back

JK:mom dad what are you doing here?
Mrs Jeon:we came to go get breakfast and since Tzuyu is here too we are all going together!
Tz: I don't think that-
JK:great we're coming

Tzuyu gave him a death stare and as his parents walked in front of them they wishpered

Tz:why are you doing this?
JK:doing what?
Tz:don't play dump sir why can't you just tell them who your real girlfriend is?
JK:what if I don't want to?
Tz:Jungkook you can't hide the truth form your parents forever
JK:relax Tzuyu everything is fine

He said as he put his hand over Tzuyu's arm and pulled her close. He froze in his touch she felt butterflies in her stomach. They went to get breakfast but took the hole day off going to shops and getting lunch together as well

Tzuyu's pov: he was really sweet today I saw a different side of him a really sweet and funny one. He made me feel special and his parents seem to love me as well let's hope they do the same with Lisa

Jungkook's pov: I really enjoyed her company today and I know I'm paying all dump and stuff but I think I can tell that kinda like her. I don't know how to tell my parents that she's not my real girlfriend, I don't even want to tell her that Lisa isn't even my girlfriend all I wanted was to make Tzuyu jealous. The day came to an end  so when she was about to leave she pulled me further away

Tz:Jungkook please tell me that you're gonna tell your parents the truth tonight
JK:I'll see what I can do. Bye now
Tz: promise me Jungkook
JK:I promise nothing goodnight Tzuyu
Tz:goodnight Jungkook

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