Happy Birthday

500 3 0

Tick tock tick tock tick tock

I knew it was 3 AM

November 21st, my birthday.

I'm so excited for this day

But no, I should not.

This will always be the day I want to get rid of from the calendar.

This will always be the time I want to erase from the clock.

It was 3 AM

Tick tock tick tock tick tock

I hope it will skip the 3, but I know it won't.

The cold started to run through my body.

It gives me chills from my head to my neck to my tummy to my legs until to my toes.

I started to feel that strange feeling I don't know where it comes from.

A warm hand touched my legs.

I couldn't move.

I'm scared.

My heartbeat starts to go faster and faster and faster.

Sweat starts to fall.

The only thing I can do is to cry.

Yes, cry silently.

Tears escaped my eyes and began flowing.

What is happening to me?

Can somebody stop this crime?

Can somebody help me?

The touch begins to move towards to my inner thighs

It's near my entrance.


I whimper

Stop! Stop! Stop!

I shouted inside my mind

Please don't! Please stop! I cried

I'm helpless, always helpless.

I know no one can help me, but I still have hope.

I opened my eyes

I saw that huge figure in front of me.

It was full of darkness. His eyes were red. His face is indescribable.

It was scary. He was scary. I couldn't stare on his face.

He was strong. I couldn't fight.

He was pinning me on my bed.

He started doing his intention.

I couldn't do anything.

I just cried, cried, and cried!


I wanted to shout at him

But no words can escape my mouth.


Yes! Yes he is

He visits me every year, every birthday, every 3 AM.

He is the reason I don't want birthdays.

Because he hunts me on my day.

Ding dong ding dong

I closed my eyes.

It was already 4 AM

He left.

I was just lying on my bed.

Weak, Helpless, Used. Couldn't cry for help.

What did I do?

Why do I have to experience this hell?

Why is it me?

Why do I have to be raped by a DEMON?

Happy Birthday (Declamation Piece)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz