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Arkham Asylum

File 105, sector A

The "peculiar" case of Emilia Kolisnyk Durand Brookston, the British-Ukrainian "soldier."

First name: Emilia

Middle name(s): Kolisnyk, Durand

Last name: Brookston

Date of birth: May the 4th

Age: seventeen years and four months

Age when first brought here: twelve years and eight months

Nationality: British-Ukrainian

Born in: Kings College Hospital, Greenwich, London, England.

Hometown(s): Peckham (a borough in London, England), Moscow (Russia), Kharkiv (Ukraine), Sacramento (California, USA)

Father: Dmitri Ivanov Brookston (alive), Ukrainian

Mother: Annabeth Joan Verge (deceased), British/French

Other relations: six uncles and two aunts (Ukrainian), both sets of grandparents (Ukrainian) all deceased. Whereabouts of cousin, Alex Robert Brookston (British- Ukrainian), is unknown.

Appearance: brown, short, wavy hair, green/brown eyes, a scar on her left cheek that is curved.

Condition(s): PTSD (includes nightmares, and fits of screaming when reminded of a bad moment), dyslexia (processing and working memory), haphephobia (the fear of being touched and touching others) and social anxiety.


"A quiet, polite girl, who seems to be nothing like her father."
- daily guard, Thomas King

"Keeps herself to herself, is distant and wary of other people. Is apprehensive and doesn't like being talked to, or even approached."
- lunch lady

"Refuses to speak about her past. Doesn't try to socialize or interact with other cellmates. Completes all daily exercises, and is generally a nice, silent person to have around. Pity about her dad, though."
- cellmate, Cora Tyler (thief)

Crimes: none
(If none, insert other reason for being in this facility.)
Concerns of her taking up her father's reputation as a notorious arms dealer. To be kept here, until it is safe to let her leave as a fully stable person.

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