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Ten years after the whole ordeal, (m/n) had married Garret and had a daughter with him. They decided to call her, (y/n), they thought it suited her well. Everyone talked about how cute she was and how she will grow to be a beautiful girl. (y/n) would always love to play in the garden with her grandmother, but one day her grandmother got sick. The little girl didn't understand what was wrong with her grandmother and kept begging her to go play outside with her. At this point she was only 3. "(y/n)! Stop this nonsense!" Her mother yelled as she stomped her foot, b]putting fear into the child. "It's okay, she doesn't know any better." Her grandmother said in a soft tone. (m/n) looked at her mother with tears in her eyes. She had always understood kids and has always loved them, but she was only able to have one until she got in a bad car accident and had to have her ovaries removed since they were so badly damaged.

Her grandmother had never gotten better, only worse. One day the young girl decided to cook her grandmother some food. At this point she was 4 and understood how to fully read and write. Her mother helped her cook some eggs, bacon, and toast for her grandmother. (y/n) smiled happily at this and once they were finished she helped put it on a trey and bring it to her grandmother's bedroom. "Grandma! I made you breakfast!" She said happily and in a proud tone. "Well aren't you a smart and talented girl." Her grandmother said with a smile. The young girl stood tall with a wide grin. While the grandmother ate she smiled, but all of a sudden she went into a coughing fit. She accidentally pushed the trey onto the floor and hacked and coughed furiously as she curled up. 

(m/n) ran over to her and began to ask if she was okay before looking at her daughter. "Call an ambulance, remember the number is 911!" She said and (y/n) nodded as she ran over to the house phone and dialed the number her mom told her to. An ambulance was there in no time and carried her into it as the young girl watch the vehicle take her sickly grandmother away. in the afternoon it was revealed that she had died. She didn't understand what her mother meant by dead, but she could tell it was bad from the tears in her eyes. Her mother just wiped them away though and pretended that nothing was wrong before hugging her child and telling her I'm sorry over and over. What was she even sorry for? Grandma was coming back, right?

A few days after they went to what her mother called a funeral. She got to see what looked like a pale doll version of her grandmother. She didn't realize it was her dead body. She would poke the fingers and exclaim the doll is cold and needs a blanket, only upsetting her mother. This confused her so much as she looked at her mother crying. Her father walked up to her and picked her up. "That's not a doll sweetheart." He said softly and she looked at him confused. "What do you mean it's not a doll? It's cold and pale like one." The young girl said which mad her father chuckled, but he instantly went into a serious face. "That is your grandma, when someone dies it means they are never coming back. It means that their body will still be here, but they won't talk or move. They are dead and so they can't. Instead they lay there asleep, but they are asleep for an eternity." Her father said. (y/n) frowned at this. "But I want grandma to wake up so we can play, maybe if I shake her she will wake up." She said.

Her father shook his head softly. "One day you will understand." He said and held her close. Once the funeral was over, (y/n) watched some men dump dirt on the coffin of her grandmother. Why were they doing that? Can't she just sleep in her house? She looked down at the rose in her hand and sighed. "Don't worry grandma, once I die I'll sleep beside you." She said before her parents called her over. They looked at her and waked her to the car. "So we are getting a new home." They said. "Where is it?" She asked and her father smiled, something her mother can't do. "It's going to be grandma's house." He said and she smiled. "Now I can finish her garden!" She said happily and her father nodded. 

The next few days they spent packing all their things and moved to the home. The house was the one that had the jungle behind it, the one that (m/n) never wants to see again. She tried begging Garret that they just sell the house, but he disagreed and so they moved into it. She just kept telling herself that Koil had died a long time ago her had forgotten about her and that comforted her, but she refused to let (y/n) go into the jungle, saying it was dangerous and there were meat eaters that would eat her up. This only peaked her curiosity as every once in a while she would try to sneak in, but her mother or father would always catch her first and stop her before she could. Little did she know that Koil was watching them the whole time. He knew what happened with the grandmother, and he was proud of it. He had been poinsoning her with his venom, knowing that once she died, (m/n) would finally move back into the home. Now she has and it's his time to shine.

The young girl was glad that she gets to stay at her grandmother's house and goes in the garden every day to plant flowers and tend to them. Soon she had to go to school and couldn't stay in the garden all day, so right when she gets home that's the first place she goes to. Her mother would never smile anymore, but would watch her garden and sometimes helps while her father was always busy with work. She never got to see him anymore which upset her since she was close to him, but because of his long absences she has gotten a stronger bond with her mother. Now they were best friends and her mother would smile more often. This made the young girl happy, but what she didn't realize was the new man she was about to meet....

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2019 ⏰

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