S A D ;

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TW// Suggested depression and anxiety. Don't continue on in this book if you are sensitive to said topics. Thank you xx - Haylee


Just as easily as things can go good. Things can go downhill in a spiraling slope; twice as fast, twice as hard, twice as hurtful. Hitting you with new waves of emotions that you didn't even know existed until that exact moment. You learn about the different ways to breathe, to feel, to drown. You feel as if you are nothing but a thin sheet of ice on the muddy pavement, just waiting for the mindless wanderer to jump and shatter you into nothing but broken shards and unreachable emotions. Except she longs for someone to shatter her ice, just so she can feel something other than emptiness. If feelings are only temporary, then why are they still there? Why do you keep her busy mind always busy at her most vulnerable moments. Why is she always so S A D . . .


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2019 ⏰

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