Chapter 7

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On the day of the field trip Todoroki was one of the first to wake. He was in the kitchenette area, plugging in a coffee machine.

"What the hell are you doin' icy hot?" Bakugo asked, wiping his eyes tiredly.

"I could ask the same of you. You're not usually up this early," Todoroki replied calmly.

"I asked first dammit," Bakugo snapped, though his voice was tired and rough rather than loud and fiery.

"We're not having breakfast before we leave since we're leaving early. Which means the dining room wont have coffee... and well, I suppose you know better than anyone how Terra can be without it," Todoroki answered, and they both shuddered at the thought. There had only been a few instances where people had dared to provoke her without coffee and none of them had ended well. The whole class knew now.

"Yeah, I was just gonna make breakfast to go. I know the teach said it would be provided, but he's not the most reliable guy and with this damn school you never know if they'll drop us in a desert and make us hunt for some y'know?"

"Fair enough," Todoroki agreed. When the coffee finished he asked, "she takes her coffee black with two sugars right? With just a small amount of ice so it cools down enough for her to drink it right away?"

Bakugo thought silently for a moment, "How the hell should I know? She didn't drink the stuff when we were kids. And when shes getting her food I'm getting mine, I don't watch her do it."

"Interesting," Todoroki said, mostly to himself as he began mixing sugar and coffee into a mug. Still somewhere in his voice their was an odd tone, a tone that said 'I'm surprised you didn't notice' and 'I know something about her that you don't'.

"The hell do you mean 'interesting' damn halfn'half?" Bakugo snarled. He knew full well what the other boy had meant, he just wanted to know if he'd actually say it.

Todoroki looked up at him so their eyes met on a silent challenge, but before he could say anything Yaoyorozu whisper yelled in warning, "Quit shouting you idiot she's coming!"

With an angry scoffed Bakugo turned back to the small stove and finished what he was cooking. Moments later Terra came by, nearly sleepwalking to the scent of good food and coffee. She paused in front of them, not totally conscious of what she was doing.

Without saying a word, Todoroki gingerly held out the coffee to her. Making sure she had the coffee secured with both hands and letting go. As she drank, she almost transformed before their eyes. Her posture straightened, the bags under her eyes lessened dramatically. Her eyes opened wide and awake, and when she pulled the cup from her lips she was smiled.

"Wow! Thanks Shoto! That's a really good cup of coffee! How'd you know just the way I like it?" She asked, back to her usual cheerful self.

He shrugged nonchalantly and said, "lucky guess."

Kacchan turned to face them, bumping into Todoroki slightly, with a fork with food on it and his other hand cupped beneath it in case anything fell. "Here Terra, try this."

Terra leaned forward to take a bite but before she could he pulled it back chuckled, "Hey wait a damn second. You just watched me pull this off a pan on the oven and it's still steaming hot. You gotta blow on it first, dummy."

Terra playfully stuck out her tongue at him in protest, before blowing gently on the food before biting it off the fork.

Here eyes went wide and her cheeks flushed slightly, "Wow Kacchan! That's amazing! Even better than the last time you made it for me!"

"Well I've had a few years to practice so there better be some damn improvement," he said with a grin. "Here come dish up. There's enough for you too Icy Hot." Todoroki wanted to deny it, but the food smelled and looked amazing.

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