training; steve rogers- slight smut

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pairing~ steve rogers x reader

prompt~ you're a grade-A assassin, your parents were trusted S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and once they passed, their only wish was for you to take their place. You've practically grown up an agent, and have found yourself going on missions with the Avengers.

warning~ it only gets a little heated, but that's about it. nothing too seggsy🙄


     You were on your way to the gym because you need to work out daily, being a grade-A assassin and all.

     You open the doors to the huge gym in the Tower to see Steve at a punching bag. You go over and stand in his sight while you wrap your knuckles. You don't want to full-on disrupt him while he's working out. Best to be subtle. He didn't seem to notice you yet.

     He stops with one last aggressive hit at the bag and looks at you. "When did you come in?" he asks once your knuckles were all wrapped and done. He was panting with beads of sweat running down his face and a confused look while holding the punching bag still.

     "Oh hiya, Steve. Didn't see ya there," you casually turned to him and foolishly grinned, your eyes began to rake down to his abs and 6 pack. God, this man is packed. You thought to yourself. "But um... I came in just a moment ago," you chuckle awkwardly. You've liked the idea of the captain for a while now, it's not a crush or anything, just worrying about him and daydreaming of him 24/7, no biggie.

     "Wanna train?" you ask him to break the silence.

     "I thought you'd never ask," he returns your foolish grin from earlier.

     You and Steve go over to the training mat. "Hey, you better not take it easy on me because I'm a girl. Because, captain," you smirk, "I am not gonna take it easy on you." And with that you throw a punch his way. He tries to dodge it, but your fist meets his abdomen and you remember he has a rock hard 6 pack. You bring your hand back and try to swing the pain away, swinging your hand back and forth, muttering an "ouch". Steve, unaffected by the punch, takes this as his chance to grab your arm and fling you over his head and behind him, you try to land on your feet, but you lose your balance and fall on your back. He starts coming your way, but with one sway of your leg, he falls to the ground and you lift yourself up and off the ground to go and cradle him. You pull your fist back to punch him in the face, but he has just the right timing to dodge the punch, your fist ends up punching the ground beside his head instead. You wince and mutter another 'ouch'. He flips you over so now he's on top of you. He gently takes your hand that has punched a hard surface twice now, and places an elegant kiss on your knuckles. You look up at him with a confused look.

     "I'm sorry," he says, then he grins, "but you told me not to go easy on you and I obeyed your command, even though I'm the captain." You smile, your cheeks heating up just a tad bit once you notice how close he actually is to your body.

     "You sure about that?" you smirk at him.

     "What? Are you questioning my authority?" he scoffs, but when you don't object, his hand goes to your jawline as his face dips down and he looks you in the eyes, you nod and he kisses you. The kiss is sweet and passionate at first, but then it started getting heated and needy as he moved to hold your wrists to the ground.

     Just then, Tony bursts through the door with Natasha. "Caught! Red handed!" Tony exclaims. Steve jumps off of you.

     "W-what are you guys doing here?" you ask in a blushing mess as you lift your shoulders up so that you can lean back on your elbows.

     "I'm here because Jarvis notified me there was naughty business going on in the gym and if he should turn of the cams," Tony gives you an evil smirk.

     "How does he even know how to identify 'naughty business'?" you air quote.

     "Well, you see there was this one time where me and Pepper-" he starts, but you cut him off.

     "You can stop there. I don't even want to know anymore," you say, a finger up in the air. You turn to Natasha expectantly.

     "I thought you texted me to come and train with you, (y/n)?" Natasha gives you an innocent smile. Bitch.

     "Well, when I came in I was already late. So I assumed you just bailed on me," you say as innocently as you can, finding the ground all too interesting, with a tiny blush creeping onto your cheeks. Steve gets up and you jump to your feet.

     "Well, we'll uh... train later?" Steve says, his eyes somehow sparkling. You search his eyes to tell if he's implying what you think he is, or if he genuinely means to train.

     "Um yeah! Definitely!" you immediately respond. You couldn't get a read on him, but you were still shy about the thought anyways, your fingers pulling a strand of your hair behind your ear.

     Steve started unwrapping his knuckles as he stalks off. The moment he leaves Nat and Tony come over. "We want all the details. Was he shy, or was he bold? Was he more dominant, or were you? Is he a good kisser? I don't think he'd have had much practice. Oh well, you're just going to have to be his guinea pig. Or the other way around, considering that he's used to that," Tony snorts as he goes on and on.

     "Enough!" Nat glares at Tony. "We don't have time for details. Now get ready, we're going to train," she says, turning to you, "And then I might accidentally find myself overhearing Tony pull the details from you," she says with a smirk.

     "Oh, my god, Nat, you too? And I literally just trained. Look at me! My body's covered in sweat!" you whine, feeling your face redden.

     "Yeah no I doubt that's from actual training," she says with an unconvinced facial expression. You groan in response on your way to the bathroom to splash your face with water real quick, then you run back out to train with Nat.

     Let's just say, you liked your training with Steve much better.


a/n~ i think this is the cringiest one yet. i don't think i've ever written something like this.


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