He Sure As Hell Gave Me Pleasure!

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Smii7y's point of view

Sure.......Call me a slut. It doesn't affect me. Well, the first time it did hurt, but it's been a year. Nothing new, nothing old. But this night, I'm hoping for something a little different. See, it's New Year's Eve, and also the night that everyone gets crazy, and don't think of their actions. If you know what I mean. But, back to where I am, and out of my amazing thoughts and world in my head, I'll more than gladly explain where and what I'm planning to do. I'm in one of my long lasted friend's party. He's the one who'd go above and beyond on those tiny things, but this night is big, and of course, he went ten times bigger than natural, and to be honest, it kinda scared me this time. When I first came in, holy shit did I See battles and bottles everywhere. Drink responsibly teens. But I didn't follow that rule for myself, so here I am, wasted, and not thinking, I skated a little bit, and got hurt, and sat down until I felt better to go and drink more and skate more and get hurt more. I had that awful look, that means, "If only someone was willing to 'hang' with me right now." I was sitting with some friends, but they weren't as fucked as me, I've also been hearing of another dude they met, they wanted me to meet him, but I don't think he'll want to meet an extremely drunk nineteen year old, and then, I see the most handsome guy ever, coming up to me, I smiled directly at him, and he smiled back, he then smacked my friend on the head, and messed with his hair the bully kind. I gazed astonished at how he looks, and he looked down at me, he gave me a smirk, and kept his gaze at me as he asked one of my friends my name. "So, this the guy?" He asked with the most amazing voice ever. "Yeaaa. I knew you'd be let down." My friend said. I came out of my drunk zone and smacked his head. "Didn't you see he already hit me?!" He said holding his head with his hands. "Oh well I guess I didn't see correctly!" I said crossing my arms. "Smii7y by the way. Or Lucas. Or milk bag. Or milk. Or the most cutest boy you've ever seen." I said look at my new crush with my adorable eyes. I'm complimenting myself, because I know none of my friends would do that for me. Ever. "Nice way of complimenting yourself. Now, I'm John. Or Jonathan. Or kryoz. Or the most handsome guy YOU have ever seen. Don't think I didn't see you gazing at me." He said giving a smirk at me. "I'm not surprised you saw me. The smile you gave me says it all~" I said. "Personally, I would say your gaze said it all~" He said giving the same moaning sound at the end just like I did. "You Learn quick....." I said giving him my back. "Sassy~" He said leaving. I turned back around, and all my friends were looking at me. "What?" I asked. "Nah bro, don't act cute and innocent. Your clearly up to no good." They said. "Isn't it obvious~?" I said. They shook their head in disappointment, and I stood up. "Well, I've got a boy to catch. Be free to not take pictures for your stories. Don't wanna get found having se- I mean 'fun' with a good friend~" I said skipping away. I gave a final look at them, and they just looked wowed at my confidence. I got pulled to the back of the house, and there was my little dream. He was holding onto my arms tightly, and I just stared into his deep hazel eyes, admiring every single tint of blue and green mixed together. "So you're just gonna stare into my eyes and not be the one to make the first move?" He asked me. I snapped out of my gaze, and raised and eyebrow at him. "What do you mean by 'move?' I asked perfectly knowing what he meant. "Well, clearly you're still young, so you woul~" I felt him moaning at the kiss he was getting form me, and I was keeping my mouth shut, because I'd don't want to go any further than that. I don't wanna do anything gross. At least not now when I'm drunk, but I'd be fun if he wanted to, which I highly doubt he'd want to do. I broke it off, panting for air, and I smiled at him. "Not so young huh?" I said giving him a smirk and then looking away from him. "Maybe not as much as I thought..." he said. "Good, now can you let go of my wrists? They're hurting now." I said politely. "Not yet~" He said going for my neck. "W-Wait..~" I said moaning a bit. He stared biting my neck, and I eventually started shaking. And, well, my, ahem, bottom part was tingling at how much pleasure I was feeling, and it got a little hard. But I don't really mind it. Of course, I didn't want it end, but if someone catches us, that wouldn't be so good. I was slowly getting my head of the clouds, from how drunk I was, and the headache was going to set in soon, so if he wanted to do something right now, he better sweep my off my feet and take me upstairs soon or else this kid, will be having a grumpy attitude with a killer headache. He stopped, and let go of my wrists. "So, wanna.....?" He said giving the idea. "Hm~ I dunno..." I said still on the wall. "Welllllll.....follow me...~" He said. I rolled my eyes, and followed him. Luckily, none of my friends were in sight, so when we made it up stairs, I pushed him in and locked the door. "Hurry though, because I'm about to get a massive headache, and I'd rather have pleasure first, then the pain." I said winking at him. He smirked at me, and, well you know the rest. We took of our you know what, I was bottom because of age, he fucked me hard, what? We were panting for air, I was yelling like a little bitch, there was white stuff everywhere which I licked off at least from myself, we put back our clothes, blah blah blah, my ass hurts now, yea. "Pretty quick if you ask me..~" John said. "Quick? Dude your speed was killing my ass! But I have to say, you're definitely experienced.." I said raising and eyebrow and smirking at him. "Would you believe me if I told you're my first?" He said. I got bug eyes, and looked surprised. "Well, you're my first too, but shit do you know how to give pleasure I swear!" I said crossing my arms and smiling. "Well, I'm good at it then?" He said turning around. "Good? Your amazing! If you get the term~" I said giving him a final kiss. "Later loser!" I said leaving the room with my arms behind me. That was sure One of the best feelings I've had in a while, maybe ever, and I have to say, I really liked it. A lot. Every second of it.

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