02 - Blind date.

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JUVIA is silently sipping on the box of orange juice while she's in the midst of spacing out from her friends. It is lunch time and she used to eat with them on their favorite spot somewhere under a big tree that shades them from strong light the sun gives.

"Juvia are you okay?" Lisanna Strauss, one of her friend gave her a tap on the shoulder in which she tried to give a convincing hum.

Lisanna eyed her older sister, Mirajane, her eyes asking for help to lift up her mood.

"Juvia dear, we know you're not. You know you can always rave anything to us and we got our ears lend out for you." A half smile formed on her lips as she contemplated on whether she should tell them on how she feels right now, "Is this about Gray?"

Her ears perked up at the mention of his name that Lisanna had to scold her sister, "Mira-nee!"


Juvia was happy enough to gain such wonderful friends in her life, the Strauss siblings. Well, only the two girls since she finds it difficult to get along with their brother. But it was heartwarming watching the three of them together, making her want to have a sibling.

These two happens to know Juvia's feelings towards her childhood friend and she knows that her secret's safe with them. Back then, she finds it hard to be honest knowing the reputation of Mirajane being the Matchmaker of the campus. But after getting used to them spilling secrets with one another, she was convinced that they definitely know how to keep what's need to be hidden. She realized that it's totally unfair of them to trust her while she doesn't so she decided to let go of the insecurities.

"Unfortunately, yes." Juvia forced out a smile, pulling her legs on her chest in skittishness.

The bluenette was still in the practice of producing a gutsy character towards her friends since she came to a thought that being secretive and narrow-minded wouldn't be good for her at all.

Mirajane turned to give a worried look at Lisanna and back to their friend, "Juvia, we've been meaning to tell you this for quite a while now but don't you think you should try moving on with him?"

"Yeah, it's just that we're worried about you. You've waited for a very long time and to see him getting interested with another person, it just doesn't sounds right. You suffered the pain enough, Juvia. Look we're in the last year of Senior high school and the least you can do is move on from him."

"Lisanna's right, Juvia. I know it won't be easy but it's for your own good too. There's still a lot of boys on this world but you don't have to focus on that yet. There's plenty of time for those kind of things." Juvia slowly digested the words they said but they're too much for her to process.

"Don't worry, we're not forcing you to entirely change your mind. We're just speaking our concerns. Your thoughts also matter and I think you just need some time to think about it." They continued exchanging lines as if it was scripted and they're movie actresses that's on the middle of shooting a scene.

"But I still ship you with Gray though. You two honestly look so cute together," Mirajane let out a squeal, cupping her cheeks in adoration.

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