The Start of The Ending

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Warning! Some scenes could be triggering. If you feel down then please seek help. Or you can just chat me right away.

Take care of yourself... :)


A perfect life.

That's what I'm in. Or at least that's what I want the world to see.

I can't and shouldn't have been ungrateful. But in all honesty? Sometimes I'm more than just lost what's the meaning of life.

I always lied to myself about everything and anything. Because sometimes it's easier that way than being isolated, judged, and ridiculed. Still, I can't stop thinking that I'm not normal, whatever that means.

Everyone has their own breakdown, and I have seen some of the worst. Which that's why I really don't want to bother anyone with my unimportant matter. Because everyone has their own problem, I shouldn't drag them with my chaotic mind.

Though, I suppose, waking up extremely sad for no reason wasn't something common for people. And after years of locking in, only now I feel the true need to let it out even for a bit.

It's risky... not just I can lose a friend because of it. But my whole life depends on it. And I hated to feel this vulnerable...

Therefore, as soon the lunchtime is here, I seek for my sweet girlfriend, Kyoko-chan. Hoping that she'd be okay after listening to my suppressed rants.

However, I was not prepared to see her usual smiley face to be so gloom as she stared at her fidgeting fingers. I approach her, "hey, Kyoko-chan? Why are you so blue?" I tried to sound cheerful. Or at least, happy enough to lift the mood.

She looked up with a shocked face and watery eyes before then she just jumped out of her seat and cries in my embrace.

"T-Tsukkun..." she sobbed hard, wetting my uniform. Though, I can't care less about that. My top priority right now is Kyoko-chan. I must return her beautiful smile back to where it belongs.

"Come on... let's talk about it, okay?" I carefully escorted her to the rooftop where my gang usually hangs out. No one has arrived just yet. And so, I closed the door before then taking a seat on the bench, guiding her to do the same.

She cried for the next five minutes. And, honestly, I wanted to do the same if only I don't have to be the pillar for her. But of course, since I have to be the stronger one right now, I fulfilled my duty as a good boyfriend and rubbed circles on her back, cuddling her, and saying soothing words that I wished I could just tell those to myself.

After a while, she finally calmed down as I asked, "are you ready to talk?" I saw her nods despite head still hung low.

"I-I'm sorry, Tsukkun. But I-I'm engaged." She said, stuttering while did so. As for me? I have both of my amber eyes rounded with utter shock.

"You are... what???" I asked in disbelief as I latched off from her in instinct.

"I-I'm sorry... I found out that my parents have arranged this since so long, y-yet I fell in love with you. I-I thought I could convince them somehow, but instead they decided to push forward the date... a-and I have to get married as soon we graduated." It's kind of hard to hear her with her hands covering her sobbing face. Though, I can still hear loud and clear as she explained how it was. For some reason, instead of replying with a cool head, as usual, I feel my blood boils at the words. I'm a volcano about to erupt...

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