I wanted to write a song

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I wanted to write a song
One with emotion and life.
Something that might make me think
You don't walk away out of hate.

It's impossible to keep my mind off of you.
You're my every thought.
Every dream.
Every feeling.

You take over my head and my heart
And it may seem so complex
But it's really just so simple.

You'd be so happy with me
I know that
Do you still feel the same?
I can't tell...

Yes I do know you love me.

But one moment you're kissing me...
One moment you've got your arms around me and you're saying you miss me.

Then the next you turn around and leave when you see me.

I swear to god it looks like disgust

Even if it's not.

If I didn't know you, I'd think it truly was.

But I know what you do

You're perfection draws me in
There's no return
I can't remember what happened

You can't blame me for craving your touch.

You can't blame me for getting shivers every time I see you.
Nor breaking down when I feel hurt.

It's like a dream.
I'd never say a nightmare
Because it's so damn good

But it's enriched with pain from the trying

The constant trying I face.
There's nothing I can do.

For you I'd bleed myself dry.

And I reckon you'd do the same.

But something inside, wrenching and crying out loud yet so quiet and muffled tells me it's wrong..

I was influenced by the one who told me it was wrong.

They told me if I kept getting hurt it wasn't worth it.

But isn't that what it's supposed to be in the beginning?

Because I believe we find a way.

We find a beautiful place to live that's far away from our pain.

Far away from the ones who keep you at a distance from me.

I believe hat can happen at the drop of a hat.

Just wait.
It will happen soon if you still believe.

Just wait flower.
Just wait..

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