A Quiet Man

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How often will a man actually speak??
Will a mans natural behavior become an outburst, or left hidden in discrete

Does a mans strength show in the crowd he keeps? Will his fist ball with violence he seeks?

Will he fail as men do in theory.
Or will I find a detour in this query??

Questions you to inside, no human can read minds.
Of course no human can lie and say they haven't prayed, wished, or tried.

See the man sitting patient, as a chest player.
Silent as a vacant hotel cassette player

Only the bougie, the high in temper
Dare look in dismay
At the shadows around the shine he just made

For your attention is well enough in pay
His job is fulfilled and can be on his way

As for his exit as he creates its path
He stands and smiles and then a laugh

He explains himself, but spoke not
Unamused felt the eyes of those who watch

His turn generates gust of fumes
That reach with gentle hands into the room

And kissed the noses of the surveillance
It granted Confirmation of assurance

Quiet Men

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2021 ⏰

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