Chapter 1

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Sebastian Michaelis walks through the halls of Weston High, his lunch in his hand as he made his way to the garden behind the school.

No one really comes here, so it was the perfect place to hang around in.

He was looking for a certain someone awaiting for him there.


Ciel was watching him from behind a tree. He waved to the older male to catch his attention.

The raven haired male smiled when he spotted Ciel, his only friend in the school.

He rushed towards him and sat on the grass as Ciel already sat down when he reached him.

"Huh? Where's your lunch, Ciel?" Sebastian asked he opened his lunch box

"I'm not hungry." Ciel said, just looking at him eat.

"Ok." He said, as he began to eat his meal, knowing it was pointless to convince the boy to eat.


Once Sebastian was done, Ciel asked him a question.

"Do you believe in the supernatural, Sebastian?" Came the odd and sudden question from the shorter male's lips.

"Yes, why do you ask?"

"Because-......." The bluenette looked away from him, his blue locks covering his face. "-...It's nothing......"

Sebastian didn't question it and just talked about his classes.


"-and as usual, Ms Mey-rin's as clumsy as always." Sebastian said

Ciel chuckled at that.

"What happened this time?" He asked, smirking

"She was passing test papers and passed by a fan that blew them out the open window."

Ciel laughed out loud at that. Sebastian always complained about how incompetent some of the staff were at Weston High.

Like Bardroy who always overcooks the food in the cafeteria.

The janitor, Mr Finnian who breaks everything he touches, instead of cleaning the mess, he causes more.

They continued talking like that for awhile before Sebastian had to go to his next class.

"I'll see you later then, Ciel."

Once he left, Ciel just sat there and looked up at the sky while waiting for Sebastian to be done with class.




Once Sebastian's class had ended, he rushed to where Ciel was waiting.

The bluenette quickly spotted Sebastian running towards him and he waved while smiling at the ravenette.

"Took you long enough, Michaelis." Ciel said, smiling at him.

"Heh, and you're always way too early." Sebastian said, Ciel did always arrive before Sebastian did.

That's odd..

They talked again until it was time for Sebastian's last class.

When Sebastian left the garden, Ciel went into the woods. He didn't noticed a pair of red eyes staring at him as his body disappeared into the woods.

He looked around, and when he was certain he was completely alone...

He shifted into his true form.

He was still the same boy with the same body. But his uniform had blood on the front, even more blood on the back and a stab wound through his left breast pockect, leaving an open hole.

His eyes were dull, no more ocean blue. Just dead, misty blue.

His skin was paler and he was transparent.

Ciel is a ghost.

He was killed a year before Sebastian Michaelis had transferred into Weston High. He was a 2nd year when he died, now he was a fourth year, Sebastian in the same year.

His cause of death was multiple stabs to his heart.


Suddenly, Ciel heard a twig snap behind him. He turned around slowly and saw-

(Sorry for the cliffhanger!)

I hope u guyz enjoyed this chapter. This book will only be updated when I feel like it or when I remembered...yeah sorry, slow updates. But I hope you will still stick around!

My Guardian Angel - SebacielWhere stories live. Discover now