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Code 02. Kidnap 


14th June, 0815, Shibuya Crossing

“Huwat in the world is going on here?!” yelled Keichiro in the middle of the crowd. It seems like there’s nobody noticed the boy’s exclaim. Nobody seems to see him. Like he really is… a ghost.

Some unanswerable questions are playing in his mind like a mathematic test. “Oh fuck… This can’t be real right?? It’s impossible for this happens in reality, right? IT’S REALLY IMPOSSIBLE!! This situation only can happened in anime or manga! And why the fuck do these people didn’t pay attention on me when I shouted like a maniac just now?!”

He thought for a while then a logic explanation pop out from his mind. “I know!! I bet I’m dreaming right now! Yes! I can feel like all this nonsense were just a stupid dream!! I know some ways that could make me wake up from this nightmare!!”

Keichiro gently pinches his cheek and started to pull and twisted it. “That didn’t work.” He thought. He then rise his palm and slaps himself hardly creating a big "SLAP" in the crowd. That didn’t work too but Keichiro didn’t give up on it. He used other methods to wake him up like punching his guts and falling down on the ground on purpose but those didn’t even work as well as his first two methods.

Keichiro let out a big sigh as a sign of his defeat. He looked at his lifeless body and still feeling disbelieve on his current state. Suddenly he heard someone talked about him. He glance on his side and it was the girls that he met yesterday. “That fall deserves him! He needs to die anyway! I’m totally sick of meeting that cursed eyed boy like his curse is going to tolerate my life!” said the first girl. “I know right… Plus he’s like a piece of trash living among us. I mean, who needs somebody who has a cursed eye to live in your family? I certainly won’t.” said the other girl. “Me too!" "Count me in!” The girls laughed wickedly like a bunch of bitches laughing over their own stupid jokes.

Keichiro felt broken. Even though he often hears some nasty talks about him and getting used to it but this is different. He can relate it like he’s a stone being kicked over by some random passerby and in the end he got tossed into the sea to end his life. He put his headphones on and played his iPod. He then put on his hood and walks out from the crowd.

2140, Somewhere in Shibuya

Few hours later and its already late in night. Keichiro was still wandering around the busy city of Shibuya. He often thought for himself about the same thing over and over.

“Why… Why my heart can’t stop aching. I wonder why this pain felt more painful than usual. This pain… I had faced this kind of pain before… It was when my parents abandoned me and said that I’m good for nothing trash and told me to leave their life alone… I still can’t believe all those stuff happens in my life..! First I got this cursed eye. Second, I was abandoned by my own parents. Lastly, I saw my own corpse in front of me. What in the world is going on here?!”

He then walked into a dark alley to find a perfect place to rest for a night. He knew it’s hopeless to go back to his apartment because some policemen are doing some research inside his room. He hates to stay in a place which is crowded with some strangers that he didn’t even know.

He slowly sat down on the ground and pull down his hood. He daze up on the night sky to feel the peaceful atmosphere surround the stars. His eyelids were getting heavy after his long walk. As he started to drift into his slumber, suddenly he heard somebody talking to him.

“You, over there. Can you hear me?” the voice said. Keichiro stood up in confuse and look to his sides to see the person who’s talking to him. “Are you talking to me?!” Keichiro asked in a rude tone. “It’s obvious that I’m talking to you.” The voice answered him calmly rather than in a furious tone that most people used on him. Keichiro still looking around him to search for the source of that voice. “Where the heck are you?! Show yourself!!” “Fuuh…” the voice let out a small sigh. “Try to look up on the building behind you.” Keichiro followed what the voice told him to and he saw a figure of the guy in the hoodie.

He seems to be a year older than him. He wore a black hoodie with some weird designs on it and he had his hood over his head. The guy stepped forward to reveal his face. His hair were mostly dark purple and he had his left eye covered by his bangs. His right eye makes him shuttered. “His right eye… looks almost like my cursed eye..!” he thought. His hands were shaking and he started to sweat. “You don’t need to be afraid of about it.” the guy tried to calm him down. “We have a lot of similarities in our fate. We'd been disgusted, being hated and been sided by the society because of our so-called ‘cursed eye’. This ‘cursed eye’ of ours are actually a bless from the Lord. Even though it may cause you to hate your fate but it may give you a fate that you can accept.” Keichiro looked at the guy in a weird expression. “Are you trying to say that you and I are a same person?” he asked to the guy in the hoodie. The guy kept his eye on Keichiro and answered him. “Probably. But we’re completely a different person based on our personalities. What I’m actually trying to say was you were a part of my gang.”

“Your wha-?!” Keichiro asked in disbelieved. “You’re in my gang. They also have the same ability like yours. Plus, you don’t have a place to stay in right? You can stay in our secret hideout.” told the voice.


The guy let out a big sigh while placing his palm on his face. “Then you leave me no choice…” The guy placed his index and middle finger at the edge of his lips and let out a big whistle.

“Wh-What are you up to-!! WOOAAAHHHH!!” Suddenly Keichiro was been stuffed into a giant sack and then he was dragged to another place.

                                                                                                                                         CODE 02 END

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