The Travelers Journy

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Chapter one: The Resurrection

Death is beautiful. It's calm and peaceful. No stress, no worries. My name is Thomas cooper. For years I've fought at the side of my brothers, men, showing no fear when the barrel of a gun is pointed in their face. I died in 2019 when the Great War was at its peek. A device from space landed on earth that was the size of a small world. It hovered over Atlanta city as clouds covered the top of it. People got scared, real scared. Everyone started to turn on one another as states started to turn into turfs. And that's when they came. We called them the fallen. The way they looked was so alien like with four arms as the top two more dominant then their small bottom two. It was me an my brother, my friend, my best friend that went throughout high school and basic training. We got surrounded as they took over. As we laid on the pavement looking at one another we said our goodbyes. And just like that, a bullet to the back of his and my brain. To be honest I don't know if I was in hell or heaven but maybe somewhere in between. It felt like I was in a black box for years and years. No end to my travel and no beginning. Now the crazy part was that I felt like I belonged here. No one to speak to, no one to worry about. Out of no where in the darkness a little light shinned and started to grow brighter. I focused on it until it blinded me. Suddenly I woke in my body taking the biggest breath of air I could take. Examining my hands that were covered in dirt and dry blood and my body that had bruises and scars. I looked around catching my breath for anything that had a sign of life to help me. "Hello." Came a voice from behind me. As I turned to look I screamed in terror afraid for my life that it was going to kill me. I crawled backwards until my back hit a car but I realized it was screaming at me as I did to it. Things grew quiet and I calmed down and mustered up everything I could to say, "who the hell are you?!" The sharp orb like thing was no bigger then my fist that defied gravity floating a couple feet off the ground. "I'm a ghost, your ghost."

I clenched my fists still wondering my existence. "You've been dead for three years, nine months, two days, and, eight-teen minutes. Your world has changed in ways you won't understand," It said as parts turned and jolted looking around looking like a runic cube.

A loud roar was heard off in the distance. We both looked over the cars to see the fallen moving our way. They were looking for something and I hope it wasn't me.

Chapter Two: Forest of Knowledge

We moved quickly but quietly as I hunched over trying not to make myself seen. The fallen where back a few yards but one wrong move could kill me; again. The ghost followed right behind me to a building and began to make our way to the roof. Each floor was quiet and empty but still very eerie. As I slightly opened the door leading to the roof four fallen camped out on one ledge. "What the fuck!" I whispered closing the door.

"We need to be very carful. Take out the one with the assault rifle." Said the floating mechanical orb.

I peeked back out the door to see the one with what looked like a AR but alienfied. I began to crawl out onto the roof moving as stealthy as possible. Each foot felt like heavy bricks landing on delicate glass. As I went to take my final step I pushed the middle one off the edge as the one with the assault rifle turned toward me. I grabbed the barrel and pulled back then punched the butt of the gun in its face having it fall off the edge. In one final swift move I took the gun holding it just right aiming at the two left standing and before they could blink they dropped like rocks. I lowered the Gunnar looked the the ghost. "Why did you bring me back?" I asked frustrated.

"That will come in time." It said before looking up at the dark sky. Wind started to blow hard kicking up rocks and debris. I covered my face as I turned to see a ship, a freaking ship, just a couple feet away from the building. "We need to go!" Yelled the ghost.

The door bursted open as the leader of the fallen walked out. He was the one that shot me, and my friend. I took a steady aim right at his head and before I could take a shot I was in a white room. "Hey, hey! No! Let me out! Let me out!" I screamed banging my fists on the door. "He's mine! Let me out now!" Yelling as my throat got soar. I can't even describe the feeling of coming face to face with your killer. Some one that killed you and a friend is something I won't ever forget. I took the gun and shot it all over the door completely loosing my shit. I put my back up against the wall and sat down sobbing. Why me? Why am I alive and not with my friend Alex? The door slid up into the ceiling as a man stood in the doorway. I looked at him wiping a tear off my cheek. "And who are you?" I said with venom behind my words.

"Your the chosen one." He said softly.

"Chosen for what?"

"To save our world."

"I'm one man who was dead and not a penny to my name. What makes you think I can save it?"

"Your a Titan. When your ready I will be in the cock pit."

He turn and walked off as the ghost appeared from nowhere right in front of my face startling me. "I think that went well." It said

Annoying piece of junk. I got up and walked up a short flight of steps into the cock pit where the man sat controlling the spaceship. I stopped right behind his seat looking at the beautiful carnivorous world it transformed into. "Where are we going?" I asked in astonishment.

"To the last salvation of humanity. The traveler asked for you specifically." Said the man. As we approached the town the huge second world was still hovering above Atlanta. We landed ontop of a tower that had to be just built as it overlooked the whole city with the sphere right in front of it. The man rested his hand on my shoulder catching my attention away from the magnificent view. "He's right through those doors." He gestured toward two big doors right in front of me. All this felt to unreal. Was I still dead? "You are very much alive as the trees that surround earth." Said someone off in the distance as I entered the room. The two doors shut with a loud boom behind me leaving just me and him. He had a mask over his face with a beautiful white robe. He turned his head to look at me and back at the table he rested his body against. I walked over hoping that what ever this guy was, is, has, or even seen can help clear up what's going on with me. I came to a July right behind him as he had a map that looked like the whole solar system. "What are you?" I asked hopping for a good response.

"Who am I? I'm the traveler. It does not speak but I speak for it." He said looking out his window to see the moon like thing.

"Why am I here?" I asked after a moment of silence.

He dropped what appeared to be a pen and straightened his whole body to turn and look at me. "Your one of the last of your kind. Your ghost calculated the statistics and chose you out of ten billion you have made the top three."

What the hell does he mean top three? My head felt like Zeus himself was trying to escape from my brain that I couldn't process all this information at once. "Top three?! What do you mean top three!?" I grew loader, getting more pissed.

"There will be three of you to save this galaxy from the monsters that try to destroy it. But as of right now your main focus will be on earth. To save the people on earth is your first mission."

I gripped my hair about to pull out every hair I locked onto. I collapsed on the ground breathing heavily as everything began to get blurry. My ghost seemed to scan me. "He's going into shock!" It yelled.

Last thing I remember was the white mask looking down at me before finally closing my eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2014 ⏰

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