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Let's set things *straight* (HAHAHHAHAHHAHAHA HILARIOUS PUN, CHERRI) before we begin:

1. I am a pansexual 13 year old, so not actually a lesbian

2. I formed this plan with my friend Riordan (hi mate), Sarah, georgememeulous101 , and -memeulouss (actually go check her out, she writes really well for a thirteen year old)

3. It was made in a shite maths lesson with my home ec teacher as cover, please bear that in mind before judging me too hard

4. My bf - James, a midget or as I like to call him, leprechaun - was my best friend for 3 and half years (since I joined my new primary school age 9), we stopped talking 6 months ago, started again recently, he asked me out this Valnetine's day. He's really sweet and really, really likes me, so I will send him an apology message on insta afterwards and break up with him properly

Imma update later with all the jUicY dEtAils

CONVINCING MY BF I'M A LESBIANWhere stories live. Discover now