14: Water & Fire

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"That proves it!" Katara exclaimed.

She and Aang huddled under an umbrella which we had miraculously received from a wanderer before it had suddenly burst down raining. Sokka held an egg – which he'd gotten from the platypus-bear that had been attacking said wanderer – over his head to shield himself from the rain. I on the other hand just bent an arched shield of water over my head to shelter myself from the weather.

"No, it doesn't! You can't really tell the future!" Sokka argued.

He and Katara were arguing about this fortuneteller, Aunt Wu, whom the wanderer had told us about. My skeptic brother didn't believe while Katara was wholehearted into it. Sometimes I wondered how each of us was related at all.

"I guess you're not really getting wet then," Katara said smugly.

Sokka hands became slippery from the rain and the egg flung out of his grip, splattering onto his head.

"Of course she predicted it was going to rain," Sokka urged as we started to walk towards the village. "The sky's been gray all day!"

"Just admit you might be wrong and you can come under the umbrella."

"Look, I'm going to predict the future now." He stopped walking and hopped from foot to foot, exaggerating. "It's going to keep drizzling." And, for a moment, he was right. "See?"

Inexplicably, the rain stopped falling as the storm clouds passed us. Aang and I began to laugh as Katara looked smugger than ever.

"Not everyone has the gift, Sokka," Aang teased.

"Why does the universe love doing that to me?" Sokka groaned, still standing still.

I patted his shoulder as I walked past him. "You're just that fun to mess with. Sorry, runt."


"Aunt Wu is expecting you," a strange man with wild, white hair and a black robe greeted us.

"Really?" Katara asked excitedly.

I sighed as my sister happily trotted into the building. While this sort of thing was interesting, I was far more prone to believe in the placebo effect rather than actual insight into the future. My sister, on the other hand, was far more impressionable.

We walked into the tall building and were quickly greeted by a young girl clad in pink robes and thick braids. "My name is Meng and I'm Aunt Wu's assistant," she informed. Barely finishing her sentence, her eyes went wide and I started to expect her to begin drooling. It took me a moment to realize that it was Aang she staring at. It looks like someone has a secret admirer.

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