|6| Sometimes Apart, Always Connected

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Tiny note from me, I will always specify if it is Bucky's metal arm, but if I just say 'hand' I mean his normal right hand.
Hope this clarified a bit for later...

Also an update at 12:20am because I just got back from vacation and have access to wifi for the first time all week... I finished a few chapters so expect those up relatively soon :3

Thanks for your patience,


——Time skip: 7:35pm——

Concrete below my paws clicked with every step when my worn claws hit the ground. My set of pawsteps were combined with a pair of booted-footsteps. Bucky's scent wreathed around me and served as a much needed comfort, as I figured my fur brushing against his side did for him.

My eyes looked to my right side and were met with anxiety-filled stormy blue eyes. He was terrified and confused, memories undoubtedly coming back in bits and pieces. I looked down a bit and saw that he was holding his normal arm at an awkward angle across his stomach. His eyes met mine as I softly whimpered, worry evident in my dark eyes. "We'll right my shoulder when we stop." He gently reassured me and smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes.

We were walking to a port where items would be shipped out on huge freighters. I lifted my muzzle to smell the air and was met with oil, metal, and saltwater. Distant shouts reached my ears and I saw Bucky stiffen a bit. 'Huh... can he hear that too? If he can his hearing's better.'

We came out of the shadows and looked out over the pier, huge freighters were docked while being loaded with crates. I quickly began to make my way over to an office, careful to stay hidden amongst the growing shadows. Looking through a window, I saw a schedule posted on a board. My ear swiveled to the side and my tail gently hit Bucky to get his attention. "What..?" his voice was quiet and worried.

I nodded towards the board through the window and began to slowly read it, my knowledge just enough to lend me a slow progress of reading. My eyes stopped on the third row where the word 'England' was written along with the boat name. A worried and excited whine emitted from my throat as I got Bucky's attention again. I scratched the wall three times before looking back at the board and lightly huffing "Third row."

My gaze went to Bucky and he gave a nod of understanding. I chuffed and turned to find the right boat. It was scheduled to leave in the morning so we could find it now and come back later.

We had been sneaking quickly from shadow to shadow like a couple of ghosts when Bucky gently tapped my back. I looked over and tilted my head. He gestured to our right and I focused on the boat there, "That the right one?" He whispered as such a low volume that any normal human wouldn't have detected it.

The boat had the word "Jenny" on the back. I looked at Bucky and nodded before turning my gaze to rake over our surroundings. "Should we rest here, or find a secluded spot somewhere nearby?" I let out a soft chuff and yawned. He seemed to just barely understand the yawn, and I mentally facepawed. 'Right, forgot you can't understand my words...'

He began to walk away and I followed. We both paused and took a moment to memorize the location of the correct boat before setting off to find a place to rest. Moving quickly and effortlessly silent over the pier, we eventually found an abandoned building that was close enough to the pier we could get there quickly. I entered first, using my sharp nose to make sure nobody was there. I chuffed to signal it was alright and relaxed a bit. We went over to a shadowed corner and Bucky sat down with a sigh.

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