Hotel rooms

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Hannah's pov
We arrived at the hotel and checked into our room me and Emma are sharing a room. Chase and Payton are sharing a room and Elmo and Anthony are sharing a room.

Payton's pov
I wanted to share a room with Emma but I don't want it to be obvious that I like her. And plus Chase is like my older brother so spending 4 days with him won't be bad. It would only be 3 days but Emma's birthday is March 4th so we are spending an extra day to celebrate.

Emma's pov
I'm so excited to spend my birthday with these people they are like my second family. I've known Anthony for 3 years. Chase also for 3 years. Payton for 2 years Hannah for 2 years and I just recently met Elmo but they know everything literally everything about me.

Elmo's pov
Anthony and I got into our room. We really where missing Fortnite so we decided to go by a Xbox to play fort.

Chase pov
I'm so excited to be spending time with my friends

Anthony pov
It's gonna be great play Fortnite with Elmo and spending time with everyone of course.

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