World's Wildest Police Videos

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    "Look out, he's gaining speed," Judy directs him as Nick switches lanes pretty swiftly. "I'm trying, I'm trying," Nick responds keeping his eyes practically glued to the road trying to avoid other vehicles. By that time, Corporal McHorn flew past them to get closer to the stolen vehicle. "Motor 4 to Dispatch, I have visual on the vehicle involved with he 7100, I can confirm it is being driven erratically by a male panda," McHorn called out as he's seeing the driver for the first time. "Roger that, Motor 4!," Clawhauser replied.
    By then, the panda made a sharp u-turn on a dime and went back in the other direction to try and lose them, but McHorn along with Hopps N' Wilde were on his every move. "He made a u-turn...wait, now he's turning around again!," McHorn relayed to dispatch as traffic from the other direction began to move towards them and the suspect made another u-turn to go back in the original direction of travel towards the interstate. "Roger that Motor 4," replied Clawhauser. "Our eye in the sky should be here momentarily, they should be able to monitor your radio traffic Motor 4 and 7," he added.
    "That's a big 10-4 Dispatch we monitor that transmission. Thunderbird to Motor 4 and Motor 7 and we have a visual of the suspect as we speak," Commander Drake Sikorsky, who is the chief pilot in command for the ZPD Air Support Unit and flies the ZPD helicopter under the code name "Thunderbird", advised them he and his second in command arrived in the area from Zootopia International Airport. "Nick, he's gonna turn," Judy warns him as he quickly shifts lanes to the right to cut him off but ends up being cut off by a Transit van coming from a side street, making him hit the brakes. Motor 4 and 7 continue the pursuit flying around the van that got caught up in the chase.
"Aw nibblers!!! We lost him!," she says frustrated. "Wait a second, wasn't there a side street?," Nick added as he realized a shortcut they could probably take to save some time. "Yeah, Yeah there was!," she remembers as they back up and take the side street towards the interstate. "Remember, we're not cops right now Nick," she reminds him to slow it down a bit without getting into too much trouble. "Clawhauser, radio up to Thunderbird, we need a 10-20," Judy tells dispatch over the phone.
As they maneuver their way over to the Interstate on-ramp, Clawhauser radios up to Thunderbird. "Dispatch to Thunderbird, what's your (20)?," he asks. "Thunderbird to Dispatch, we have a visual of the suspect heading southbound on Interstate 33," Comm. Sikorsky answers back. "Carrots, we're heading north on 33," Nick says to Judy,who relays the message to Clawhauser, who then relays the message to Thunderbird and the motor units. "Clawhauser, we're on 33," she replies.
    By then, Thunderbird advises McHorn that they should see the suspect at any second. "Thunderbird to Motor 4 they'll be passing by any second on 33 copy?," Sikorsky says. "10-4, copy that, we're getting on 33 South under the bridge," McHorn replies as he and Jackson get on the on-ramp in a hurry and gets on the interstate just in time for the suspect to fly by. In the meantime, Nick made a u-turn in the median of the interstate and started going south to catch up.
    "Finn, what did you do to make these guys so angry? They're usually kinda calm natured," Nick asked Finnick. "I didn't do anything! I don't even know him!," Finnick replied. Meanwhile, back to the chase, McHorn and Jackson caught their way up to the speeding car, unknowingly passing Nick and Judy at the time. "Pull over! I said pull over!," shouted Corporal McHorn as the suspect didn't acknowledge him and changed lanes on him to make another getaway.
By then, McHorn pulled around to the left side of the suspect and before he knew it, the suspect was about to pull around to the left himself and realized that McHorn was already there and over corrected his vehicle almost hitting another car in the process. "He's gonna wipe out!," shouted Judy to Nick as he slowed down a little as a safety precaution. As the suspect was losing control, McHorn backed off a bit for his safety and watched as the suspect slammed along side the guardrail to the right and began to crash out.
As the car came to a rest along side the interstate, McHorn pulled over in front of the vehicle along with Jackson, at the same time, the same transit van from earlier came speeding up and slowed down beside them as traffic began slowing to a halt. As they pulled up, the side door opened up as the suspect bolted from the wrecked vehicle and jumped into the side door and the van sped off down the interstate.
"Motor 4 to Thunderbird, we got a runner! He's in a white van with another driver assisting him!," McHorn shouted as Motor 7 took off behind the van trying to catch up but the van took the next exit to the surface streets and got lost in the shuffle. In the mean time, the Thunderbird helicopter went in pursuit of the fleeing van throughout the area along side the interstate and started picking up another visual and advised other units in the area who were covering the chase.
Judy and Nick arrived as McHorn was surprised (and not in a good way) to see them and was wondering what they were doing here. "Where did you come from?!? And why are you here?!? This is a active investigation!," he demanded as he began cornering off the vehicle until the detectives arrive on the scene. "We saw the beginning of the chase! We're here to give you missing details! Or do you not want that and want us to leave and let you figure this out on your own?!?," Judy replied with an attitude as she felt disrespected. "She's right Rhino, like it or not, we're part of the team and this isn't about's about getting to the bottom of this case," Nick added as he looked at the wreckage of the vehicle.
"Well don't touch anything! I'm waiting for Det. Hall and Oates to show up to take pictures," he responded annoyed . Back in the air, the Thunderbird helicopter was still looking for the fleeing van that picked up the suspect but is having a hard time readjusting to the city streets as the van is getting lost in the shuffle of city traffic. Inside the van, we meet Pete and Paul Panderson, of the Rainforest district, who are brothers who work the street acquiring vehicles for parts on the black market.
"You almost got killed back there Paul and not to mention getting both of us caught! You're so reckless dude," Pete says to Paul while scolding him for crashing out the stolen car. "It wasn't my fault! That rhino cut me off and I couldn't see around him!," Paul replied as he managed to make room in the back of the van so he wouldn't be seen. "Now I gotta find a way to carry you through town back to the Monsoon Tunnel and into the forest...I wasn't supposed to have you in here and everyone knows this van by now!," Pete explains what was supposed to be the plan, but unexpectedly fell apart.
"I know, I know, you don't have to keep repeating that, sometimes plans change. In the meantime, we gotta find a way to get rid of this van. We gotta find a parking garage or something," Paul suggested as they try to blend in with the merging lunchtime/afternoon traffic. "I think I can make it bro," Pete says as they stop at a traffic light. "No way dude, they're traffic cameras all over the city and besides, this is the most wanted vehicle to ZPD right now, we can't take this back to the forest," Paul replies as the light turns green for Pete to search quickly for a parking garage. "We need another vehicle pronto," he adds.
    By then, they're passing the Furs National Bank Arena along with the multilevel parking structure and they drive inside of it going towards the top of the garage. "We can store it here and hopefully no one will mess with it while we're gone. We can come back and pick it up after everything cools off down here," Pete explains as he tries to get a quick game plan off the ground to fix the plan that's unraveling. "Okay that sounds good...but where are we gonna find some wheels without making a mess," Paul asks him. "This is a parking garage, surely we can manage, but we need something that wont stick out like a sore thumb," Pete answered as he looked around and found a common looking vehicle near the corner of the garage as they can hear the Thunderbird helicopter flying by still looking for them.
    "We may have to chill out here for a while, we can't even walk outta here without being seen by the eye in the sky," Paul said as they got back inside van. "Thunderbird to dispatch, it looks like we're trying to find a needle in a haystack right now, they had to have either ditched the vehicle or they're hiding out in a structure. We can maintain a radius for a little while longer before we have to fly back to the ZOO (Zootopia International Airport) for a refill over," Sikorsky advised Clawhauser, which he acknowledged.
    As Pete and Paul waited inside the van quietly, Paul whispered to Pete, "I can still hear them flying around outside, how much longer you think they'll be here?," he wondered. "Can't be too much longer, the helicopter has to run low of fuel at some point," Pete answered with a shrug. "Well, should we call Big Boss Bear?," Paul asked. "Absolutely not, I don't want him thinking we screwed this simple plan up if it wasn't for that Bunny and Fox blowing our cover. Besides, I'm sure the police on the ground want us just as bad as that helicopter" Pete answered shaking his head in frustration.
So as time went a little further onward, the helicopter made a quick dash for the airport to refill on fuel. Our two suspects are still camped out inside the parking garage of the Furs National Bank Arena looking for a way out. In the meantime, Judy and Nick make their way back to ZPD: Headquarters under very little fanfare from the department when they arrived back at HQ.

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