Just a Vampire's Slave

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I stood there, because I couldn't do a thing.

I cried, because I was terrified.

I did those things, because, my parents, my father and mother are being raped. By a vampire. 

This was sickening.

I'm only ten years old.

I know the meaning of rape.

I know the meaning of sex.

I know the meaning of a lot of things I shouldn't.

Because my parents wanted to prepare me for the cold and shallow world.

Filled with, Vampires, Werewolves, Demons, Angels, and of course the.. lowest of them all, Humans. Us, me, my family. We're humans.

Even though I know, It doesn't mean I'm not scared. It doesn't mean I wouldn't cry. It surely doesn't mean.. 

"Shh." The vampire cooed, to my parents. Tears quickly streamed down my face. I'm hiding in the closet, and I see everything. I hear everything. I couldn't leave, I couldn't fully close the door. Or else the vampire would know I'm here.


Screams, Tears,


More screams, suddenly it just went all silent. Meaning my parents are gone. 

Now, all I have left is.. my brother. He's sitting in this closet, right next to me. He has a few tears, but not like me. I was a snotty mess.

"I think he left." My brother - Ryan mumbled. We went out of the closet. I looked around. Blood everywhere. The smell of blood made me feel awfully sick. I scowled, at the mess of things too.

We took belongings and clothes and ran out of the house. It's not safe, it might be even more dangerous outside, but I don't think neither of us could live in that house anymore.

"Stop." I heard the vampire's husky voice. I froze, terrified.

"Running are we? I was looking for you my precious, Aria." He mumbled my name, taking a step towards me. I took a step back. Fear, panic, sadness, tiredness, tears. That's how I'd describe how I feel at the moment.

"Don't touch her." Ryan snapped at him. I looked at him. He'd get himself killed!

"I'll do what I please, human." He tsk'd at Ryan. "Aria, don't runaway." 

How does he know my name?

Why does he want me?

Why doesn't he leave us alone?

"I..-" Ryan cut me off.

"Take me instead of her," Ryan said. I gasped, slightly. 

"Ryan.." I began. 

"It's okay." He looked at me with sadness in his eyes. I frowned.

"I simply want Aria." The vampire said. "I'll even spare your life," He pointed at Ryan. "For Aria." He smirked.

"No." Ryan said. "Take me, kill me, do whatever. But leave Aria alone.."

"I suppose I could." The vampire mumbled, and grabbed Ryan with his vampire speed and he was gone.

Suddenly he came back and whispered in my ear. "I'll be back for you, Aria. Just wait and see." Then he left.

Now I'm offically alone. I have no one, everyone is dead. I couldn't do anything.. I could.. I could've just given myself to that vampire, and let them live. I'm all alone. That's when I realized. I was probably going to be found, and become a slave. If I wanted to or not.

I lost..

My brother,

My mother,

My father,

My little six year old sister,

All because of me and, this vampire. 

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