A War Worth Starting

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Kalem's POV

I fucked up, I know I fucked up with her. I rejected her, I was a dick, and now she wants my blood. As she storms away I can't help but notice how sexy she looks today, Kalem, snap out of it. I look around and notice that I am the only one left in the hallway, fuck, class. My first class is Advanced science with Mrs Rambletem, she loves me because I get top marks in her class so it's not surprise that you she doesn't comment on my tardiness. I sit down and observe, most of the class are staring at me and whispering, snickering. I look to my and see a ginger, freckled kid, Jhonny, I think he is. "Oi, whats everyone looking at me for"

He looks at me confused "is it true that you rejected Coco, T.H.E Coco"

"Yes, well no, It's complicated, is that really what all this fuss is about?"

"Yeah, shes the hottest chick in this school" Jhonny replied.

"You're the saddest kid in this school" I snided back, with that I turned around to avoid anymore confrontation with my peers.

Great, just what I need, people talking about what happened between me and Coco. I hope no one has said anything to her, I don't think that she will stand for mindless teasing.

Coco's POV

I get to my first class, gym, with Mr Sneiplete.

"Miss D'Luca, you're late, again"

"Sorry sir, I got caught up in the hallways, helping a kid find his class" I said innocently battering my eyelashes at the young gym teacher.

"Miss D'Luca, if I believed you, I would be a fool, now stop wasting my time and start doing laps round the field"

I looked at him frustrated, not even a glance in my direction, what is up with guys rejecting me lately. I huff and start the laps, soon I catch up to the other girls in my class, they are gossiping about, me?

"Omg, did you hear that the nerd rejected Coco, good on him the slag needed to be knocked down a peg or two, she thinks she's so amazing because she's pretty, but what the whore doesn't know is that there is more to life than spreading your legs."

I stop running, her words sinking into my mind, it's no surprise that girls don't like me, i'm hotter than them and they see me as a threat, but the fact that they think they have a right to chat shit about me and Kalem.

I'll show them who they are messing with, as they say, revenge is best served cold.


Hey guys, sorry about the late updates, this book will eventually get completed.

Whats Kalem going to do about the rumours

Whats Coco's revenge going to be.

Will the two ever be able to move on and will Kalem earn Cocos forgiveness.

Keep reading to find out

Love Always

TheKubricks4Ever xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2019 ⏰

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