Teen's Play Part Two

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Chapter 3 Teen's Play Part 2: Blend In  

Meanwhile back in the Kingdom of Cosium, Lord Darren was showing the three teens around a bit of the castle. They were walking on a hallway before Sonic decided to ask him if he was going to explain to them what was going on as Lord Darren and Trails looked at them unsure.  

Sonic: Okay, now are you going to explain what's going on?  

Silver then pulled on his arm and whispered-asked him if he doesn't remember the last time someone asked him that. Sonic remembered before pointing his thumb at Shadow as he remembered that the black-red hedgehog did threaten to beat him up.

Silver: Wait! Don't you remember what happened last time someone asked him that?  

Sonic: Yeah, but to be fair, Shadow did threaten to beat him up.  

This caused Shadow to look at them with a glare and a growl causing the two to sweatdrop nervously.  

Shadow: -glares with a growl-   Lord Darren had enough of their constant fighting before they all stop and he and Trails turned to them. Lord Darren then told them that he will do what he did earlier to them again, mildly, if they kept annoying him.  

Lord Darren: I would do it again --mildly-- if you keep on annoying me.  

He then pointed his pointer finger at them as he told them that they don't know him or Kaze and Sapphire therefore he can only assume that they weren't who he has thought that they were.  

Lord Darren: You four don't know me or the King and Queen, therefore I can only assume you're not who I thought you were.  

Shadow just crossed his arms then asked him on why should the three of them know the King and Queen or Lord Darren and asked who they are.  

Shadow: Why should we know them? Who are they?  

Lord Darren remained silent as he started to put the pieces together for his theory before gesturing for them to follow him.  
Lord Darren: ......  

They followed Lord Darren and Trails to a hallway where they saw family pictures of what they can guess was the Royal Family Tree before they were in front of a particular picture that seemed to be made last month. Lord Darren then told them that it was a portrait of the current Royal Family that was made last month as he showed it to them causing them to become silent in shock.  

Lord Darren: This is a portrait of the Royal Family that was made last month.  

The three teens continued to stare in shock and disbelief before Sonic burst out into laughter as he held his stomach which caused Shadow to glare at him with a light blush of embarrassment after seeing themselves as cute kids as Sonic fell on the ground laughing his tail off as he kicked his feet in the air as he continued to laugh.  

Sonic, Shadow and Silver: ......  

Shadow yelled at Sonic to shut up but he can't stop laughing as he told his rival that it was the cutest picture of him that he ever saw and wanted copies.  


Shadow: SHUT UP!!  

Sonic: That's got to be the cutest picure of you ever, Shadow! I want copies!  

Silver was heading towards the portrait while in shock silence as if he was in a trance while he hears the arguement with Sonic and Shadow continuing.  

Shadow: If I was really related to you, I'd kill myself just to avoid the indignity of sharing your genes!

Silver kept staring at the portrait before placing his hand on the frame softly as if afraid to destroy it and was staring at picture of himself as a baby with a bright smile while in the arms of Sapphire and wished that they were his family since he never has experienced what it felt to have a real family.  

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