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"Our love can't be real."


Chan held Jeongin in his arms until the rain calmed down. Once it did, he turned to the tired looking boy, "Do you want to go to my house?"

Jeongin nodded sleepily and Chan smiled fondly. He grabbed Jeongin's hand and led him to the slide. He went down first and called for the other.

Jeongin slid down and Chan captured him in his arms. Jeongin gripped onto Chan and wrapped his legs around the older's waist as he stood. Jeongin let out a slight groan, "The slide was still wet."

Chan chuckled and held Jeongin tightly, "Don't worry, Innie. You can take a shower at my place and wear my clothes."

Jeongin nodded and put his head the Chan's neck, slowly drifting off into slumber.


Chan placed Jeongin on his bed and walked over to his closet. He grabbed out a hoodie and a pair of basketball shorts for Jeongin along with a t-shirt and sweatpants for himself.

Chan got in the shower before the younger woke and once he was done he went back to his room. He smiled at Jeongin, who was curled into a ball trying to keep warmth.

Chan had already ran Jeongin warm bathwater beforehand to make it easier for the boy. Chan sat on his bed beside Jeongin's sleeping figure and shook him lightly, "Innie. Wake up."

Jeongin groaned and grabbed Chan's arm. "Cold.." He muttered. Chan chuckled and ran his hand through Jeongin's damp hair. He leaned down and whispered in his ear, "Innie~ Get in the bath."

Jeongin opened his eyes and immediately turned red at the close proximity he was sharing with Chan, causing the latter to chuckle once again.

Jeongin sat up and walked to where Chan told him the bathroom was. He quickly got in the bath and relaxed in the warm water.

After about 15 minutes, he decided to get out. He dried off with a towel and put Chan's clothes on.

He walked out the bathroom and couldn't find Chan. He started to panic a bit until he heard noises downstairs.

Jeongin slowly walked down the stairs, still a bit scared. Chan poked his head from out of what seemed to be the kitchen, "Jeongin? I'm in here."

Jeongin let out a breath and walked quickly to Chan, jumping into his arms, "I thought you left me for a second there."

Chan laughed and held Jeongin, "Now why would I do that?"

Jeongin shrugged. "Happened before," he muttered, barely audible but loud enough for Chan to hear.

Chan rubbed his hand up and down Jeongin's back, "I won't. I'll be here."

Jeongin sighed and snuggled into Chan, "I really hope so. What were you doing?"

Chan pulled away and lifted Jeongin up, the latter letting out a slight squeal and wrapping his legs around Chan's waist.

Chan placed the redhead on the counter while he went back to his previous task, "I was making us dinner, assuming you wanted to stay?"

Jeongin nodded and kicked his legs back and forth, "Dad said he doesn't care if I don't come home tonight."

Chan's eyebrows furrowed and, without facing the other, he asked, "Jeongin, where did you get the bruises?"

Jeongin took a deep breath, but it came out shaky and caused Chan to turn around. Jeongin squeezed his eyes shut and Chan walked in front of him. The older wrapped his arms around Jeongin's waist, "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I won't ever pressure you."

Jeongin shook his head, "I've kept it in for so long. It's not healthy."

Chan nodded, giving Jeongin the signal to speak. "M-my father.. He hits me. He says it's to make me strong. I think it's because mother l-left us. I understand his pain.. I know what he's doing is wrong, but I can't leave him.. I can't abandon him like my mother.."

Chan nodded and pulled Jeongin in for another hug, "I don't like it. Not one bit, but I understand. You can't leave him. Maybe you can talk to him? That might help."

Jeongin shrugged, "I-I don't know, hyung.." 

Chan gripped Jeongin's hand, "I'll come if you want."

Jeongin nodded slowly, "I-if you're there.. Then yes. I will. Maybe he'll understand. Sometimes I feel like he can't love me. Like I'm unlovable."

Chan shook his head profusely, "That is the most untrue sentence that has ever left your mouth. I love you."

Jeongin's eyes widened, "W-what?"

Chan smiled and caressed Jeongin's cheek, "You heard me. I love you."

Jeongin's face grew a deep red and he looked down with a soft smile, "I-I love you too.."

Chan's smile increased greatly and he lifted Jeongin's chin. He leaned in and placed a soft kiss on Jeongin's lips. The feeling when their lips connected was like nothing before. It sent a feeling of ecstasy between them both.

Chan pulled away and put his forehead against Jeongin's. They both let out shallow breaths and smiles.

Chan leaned back and kissed Jeongin's forehead, "I'll finish dinner."

Jeongin nodded with a fond smile and watched as Chan cooked.


858 words; 4.8.19


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